As I waited, I found myself being distracted by two similar faces. I watched as the young girl and lady laughed enjoying their time together. Taking a better look I noticed that it was Milan and Candace. Unbuckling my seatbelt I hurriedly get out of the car in hopes that I'll be able to catch them. I jog with a quick pace in my step resulting in me making it closer to them. Finally arriving close enough I call their names. "Milan, Candace!"Catching their attention I watch as they both turn around at the sudden call of their names. I wave politely before making it in arms distance of the two. "It's me, Jhenea."I say to the two who were quite shocked by my sudden presence.

"Jhenea, it's nice to see you again."Candace pulled me in for a quick hug causing me to smile. "How you been?"She asked.

I recorver from a sigh with a light smile. "Everything is going fine."I respond to her. "Milan, it's good to see you again."I had to give notice to her. She was my sister and it would be down right disrespectful if I just spoke to one particular person and not even greet the other.

Milan smiled genuinely. Her lips curved just like mine did everytime I got the chance to give a sincere and genuine smile. Her small nose piercing complimented her beautiful face causing a similarity in both of our features to be noticed by me. "Nice to see you again as well." Instead of her dreading attitude, I received a polite and well mannered Milan.

"I was thinking, maybe the two of us could get in contact with each other just to get how we feel out in the open, you know, after the whole parent situation."I say in a hopeful tone. I just want to be able to speak to my sister without any difficulties. In all the years I thought that I was damn near alone in this world and no one could understand my situation, but in reality, there was someone going through the same thing I was going through and she happened to be my sister. I would hate to miss out on an opportunity to speak to her as such. We've spent all our lives not knowing each other so why waste anymore time now.

Instead of recieving a response from Milan, Candace opted on speaking. "That would be lovely. I'll get in touch with April and we'll set something up for the two of you." She chimed in a cheerful tone.

"Alright then, it was really nice seeing the two of you again."

"You to. See you later."Milan says as we both say our farewells and begin walking away from one another. As I make my way back to Anthony's vehicle I see him walk out the door of the pizza place with three different boxes and a filled bag. I walk over to help him relieving two warm boxes out of his hand.

"Didn't I tell you stay in da' car?"He ask as we both make our way back to the car.

I nod my head. "Yeah you did, but I saw somebody and I had to say hello to them"I explained my reason as to why I had gotten out of the car even after he told me to stay in the vehicle.

"Oh ight, but gone head and get back in."He opened the passenger door back open for me allowing me to slide into the plush seats once again. I thank him for his assistance causing me to recieve a light smile.

The car ride back to Morgan's place enlaced us with a comfortable silence. No one bothered to speak due to it feeling much better if it were quiet between the both of us. Arriving at Morgan's place I got out without any assistance from him before walking through the hall to Morgan's door. I let him walk infront of me giving him easy access to open the door. As we stepped inside the loudness that barricaded the room rung in my ears. I wonder where Morgan's mother was at this time. I set the pizza boxes down the same place Anthony did stacking them upon each other. I scan the room for Morgan as I stand near the front door. Catching no sight of her resulted in me asking Anthony who stood next to me taking black styrofoam plates out of the plastic bag. "Where's Morgan?" I questioned.

He shrugged before answering. "Last time I checked she was in ha' room, I'm not really sure though."I nod my head in understanding before slipping out of my shoes before gliding my feet upon the smooth tile floors of the living room. Quickly transitioning to carpet once you reach the hallway I cringe at the feeling of the rugged bargain fur against the skin of my feet. Reaching Morgan's door, I apply a soft knock before turning the handle and opening up. Peeping my head through the door, there layed Morgan and Aven on her bed watching television.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of Aven before stepping fully inside the room. Catching the attention of the both of them, Morgan greeted me with a smile while Aven payed me no mind. "When you show up here?" Morgan asks opening her arms for a hug. I embraced her in a short hug before pulling away and sitting upon her white chair which was decorated in fur. I grabbed her folded blanket that rested at the foot of her bed where Aven layed his head. I unfolded it then draped it around me.

"I just got here, they told me you were in here, didn't know someone else was in here to."I adjusted myself comfortably onto the chair.

"Stop."Morgan chastised with a small laugh. "Yall have to get over it sooner or later."She sighed trying to breal the tension between Aven and I.

"Once she stop lyin'."Aven scoffs.

"I mean, your brother is in that living room right now. We could go ask him what really happend just to clarify if I'm lying or not."I retorted in a sharp tone. There was no use in me arguing with Aven anymore. We could clear the animosity between us with the help of Anthony right now.

He waved me off nonchalantly acting as if he had no interest in anything I was saying. "Man whatever, this some bull and I aint about to go back and forth wit' you about this."He let the tension rising conversation go to rest.

If Aven didn't want to put effort in repairing our friendshit than who am I to put in his part of the effort. I'll give up just as he gave up. I guess this was the end of everything we had built.


Well this was the end of that🚮

But peep how I gave yall what yall wanted and gave yall Anthony all throughout this chapter😜😜😜.

Excuse the fact that this is all over the place I just wanted to give everybody what they wanted in one chapter.

I know it's boring, but just bare with me and I'll get the gears in motion.

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