"So..." She drawled. "This dress?" She asked, pointing to the dress on me.

I nodded eagerly and headed back to the fitting room to take it off before making a purchase.

Happily, both Kelsi and I headed to the back of the boutique to make our purchase. Placing the dress on the counter gently, I prepare to take my wallet out.

"That would be a total of $879."

This was the moment that made me realised how broke I am. My mouth was hanging wide open as I registered what was said.

"$879?" I repeated in disbelief.

"Yes miss," the kind lady confirmed as I gulped.

"But isn't there a 40% discount or something?"

"That's the discounted price miss."

"Erm... Then I'm sorry but I don't think I can..."

"It's okay, I will just put it back for you," the lady behind the counter said with a small smile on her face.

With disappointment, we walked out of the boutique, empty handed.

"Well, that's a disappointment," Kelsi spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"I know right," I mumbled as I let out a loud sigh.

"Anyway, have you thought about who you are going to ask to go to the dance with you?" She asked as she looked at me intently, her bright eyes boring into mine.

"Well... No. I don't know. I don't particularly have anyone in mind."

"Are you sure?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at me. "I thought you like Jax. Why don't you ask him?"

That was when I started having a really bad coughing fit, my eyes probably widened to the size of a saucer, bulging out of my sockets.

"You think I like Jax? But why?"

"Don't you? Come on, we both know you do," she urged with a lazy smirk on her face as she proceeded to nudge me in my ribs.

"Okay okay. I do like Jax."

"Oh my god! I knew it!" She exclaimed loudly, making a few people around us turn around to look with judgemental looks on their faces.

"Chill Kels," I said, laughing a little. "I'm still not very sure how I'm feeling. But I think I like Jax," I said, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"Of course you do! Look at you! You are blushing!" She teased, pinching my cheeks.

"Really Kels?"

Behind me, I heard a familiar voice rang, calling out for me.


I whipped my head around, and to my surprise, Jax was taking long strides towards Kelsi and I.


"Oh hi Kelsi," he said with a casual smile and turned to me after that.

"Hey Jax. What are you doing here?" I asked, a mixture of surprise and curiosity swirled within me.

"Perhaps I have been stalking you?" He joked. "Or maybe it's just that we are fated to meet," he said with a mischievous wink.

"Oh please," I said, punching him lightly in his arm.  "But seriously though."

"Well, can't I be in a mall on a Saturday afternoon?" He questioned, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me. "Hmm?"

"Well... Yeah you could," I said and my voice slowly faded away.

"Hey I'm just joking you know?" Jax assured me, placing one hand on my shoulders and I nodded in response. "Anyway, what's up?"

Before I get to say anything, Kelsi did the speaking for me. 

"Well, for starters, Shailey needs to find a new dress and dance partner for a dance-dinner event. So we went dress hunting and saw this perfect dress for Shailey but it's way too expensive, so in the end we came out empty handed and Shailey still has no dance partner."

"That covers everything," I mumbled with a soft laugh.

"A dance partner?" Jax asked, looking at the both of us. "A dance-dinner event?"

"Yeah," Kelsi and I said together with a small nod.

"Which store and what dress?"

"That," Kelsi informed, pointing to the boutique we entered previously. "And it's a long and plain navy off shoulder dress."

"Okay give me a moment."

I watched as Jax walked towards the boutique and disappeared into the store.

"What is he doing?" I asked Kelsi, who looked just as confused as me.

Before I know it, Jax walked out with a giant white paper bag in his hand with golden words written over it.

"Jax?" I eyed the bag then look back up to see him already looking at me. "Did you just-"

"I bought you the dress," he said nonchalantly with a big smile on his face.

"But it's over $800!" I exclaimed in disbelief, although I am indeed happy to get that dress.

"I can afford that," he said simply.

"But why?"

"I mean it's only right for me to buy the "perfect" dress for my dance partner. Am I right?" He asked as a smirk morphed itself onto his lips.

"Dance partner?" I repeated like an idiot as I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Really?"

"Well yeah. Unless you have someone else in mind..."

"No!" I said almost way too quickly. "Thanks for being my dance partner," I said, thanking him with a genuine smile on my face.

"It's my pleasure, my dance partner."

Hey hey! 😉 So Jax is Shailey's dance partner!! Woohoo! Well aren't we excited to see what's going to happen at the dance/ dinner event? Well you will find out soon! I hope you guys are as excited as I am heheh

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Much love,
Rachel xx

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