4 | The Living Room

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     Waking up late from pulling an all-nighter for a commissioned artwork, I took a shower and changed into my grey sweatpants and a white shirt. Being a home-based freelance artist gives me enough time to spend on my works and do my job basically anywhere.

     It had already been a week since I became reacquainted with Kuroo and after that encounter, we went back to our daily lives. He promised to visit ever so often. Due to him being a professional volleyball player, he has to travel to various countries in a given year. In fact, his surprise visit or --shall I say-- intrusion was a prolonged stay from a recent game.

     Today, another visit would be made to my place; this time by Okaasan. I spent the entire morning cleaning the apartment, reorganizing my things, and bathing the cat. This is one of the great things of knowing what to expect. I actually have time to check on the clutter that has somehow accumulated during my busyness.

     Unexpected break-ins like the one he just did are out-of-the-line-embarrassing. Sure, Kuroo did say he didn't mind; and I quote, "What mess? The place sparkles." However, it just isn't right for me to keep myself to a 'mediocre pace' which especially applies at home where I cave in most of my hours sketching.

     Kuroo. He was like a ghost who yearned to haunt me with my past. Funny though, it was a past I couldn't even remember. I guess that's the part that frightens me the most. What if he unravels a memory I never want to remember? To what point does he have to be part of my life for? Just how much of an impact did he make to find the need to waltz back?

     Ah! Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Well, not literally... My phone blared a little bird yodel and a certain bed head boy's name shone through the LCD.

From: Kuroo-san [11:57 AM]
'Just won a practice match against Brazil! Ha! Who would've thought that would happen?'

     I didn't know what to reply at first. Perhaps it was his intentions that I doubted. I mean, why did he text me that for? Why did he have to come back? Most of the friends I once had before they were wiped out from my head no longer even bothered to say hello. So why him?

     Before I knew it, I responded in respect of his efforts.

To: Kuroo-san [11:59 AM]
'Sounds awesome! Why wouldn't you think you'd win?'

From: Kuroo-san [12:01 PM]
'They were quite tough opponents. Most probably the strongest I've played against so far. Not to mention, you weren't there to cheer me on...'

     I bit my lip as I read this. My cheeks heat up at the thought. I'm not one to assume, but why would he say that? Does he want something for me? What does he expect me to reply?

    Ugh! Why am I over thinking this? I met him one night. One. Freaking. Night. And I suddenly start welcoming him into my circle of control! What the hell is wrong with me? I can't even fully trust my secretary and I trust him? I don't even know-- no. I don't even recall the guy to begin with!

     I ranted to myself for quite sometime. By this point, the blush across my cheeks has totally leaked on my entire face. To defuse my frustration, I decided to vent my embarrassment on cleaning. I started scrubbing the coffee table with a frown until my face shone across the platform... Perfect, just perfect. 

     Just then, my vision blanked white and a scene of three kids appeared.


     "I'm Kuroo Tetsurō, what's your name?" A tanned little boy of five held his hand out at a little version of me.

     I fumbled with my pigtails that hung below my shoulders. I was nervous not because he was a boy. Rather, it was because he looked like someone you wouldn't want to be with. Little band-aids covered his right forearm and one sat on the bridge of his nose.

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