Chapter 5

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Volume 1 chapter 5 : { The knight is bought}

Whats going on? 

" I wish to purchase your knight"

The feeling of surprise had transitioned to one of disgust. Raj, never in his life had ever heard a request as crazy as that. Of course he wouldn't sell her. She was his personal knight, not to mention the only person that is close to him at the palace. He had only recently started to recognise her as a friend. How could he sell his only friend? Impossible. 

" As I said, I would like to buy her. She has shown great skills that surpassed even our most skilled assassin. Not only that, she risked her life to protect the prince. It is more than enough reasoning to hire her here."

Prince Izana had seen what happened. what happened when they arrived at the castle. He had, since then, taken an interest in the young knight. Although Raj had no intention of trading her off,  the prince had given him an offer to great to put down.

" Of course, we will pay the full amount and also let you off about what happened to Shirayuki and the prince without any punishment."

Raj didn't want to accept. He didn't want accept the fact that he had to trade her.She had agreed, only to make matters worse. She had stated that if it would help the kingdom, she would gladly trade herself. 

" Then, the trade is official. As of now, Y/n l/n, knight of Tanbarun, now belongs to the royal family of Clarines and is appointed as Prince Zen's fourth line of defence."

Zen was elated that she would be living in the palace, not to ,mention his fourth line of defence but he couldn't help but have that nagging suspicion that something might go wrong. Aside from that, he knew that she would have an amazing time here. he didn't know what it was like in Tanbarun but he would do everything in his power to treat her like she has always been there. With them. 

" It is a pleasure to work with you, your highness."

Now that she was a part of Clarines, she had subconsciously treated Zen more politely than she already had. To which Zen wasn't  very happy about. He had always told her to treat him like a friend. Like family. But sometimes she treats hm like royalty. Like he was of much higher status. Honestly, Zen would rather be a knight than a prince. You won't be held back by work. No important decisions to make. But most of all, freedom.

Freedom from studies, from protection, the choice to choose. He wanted something, someone to protect but in reality it was he who was protected. That needed to change, was what he thought. But he didn't consider the feelings of his friends. How would they feel if something were to happen to him? If he had gotten hurt or worse, dying, to save them? They would not be able to live with themselves. But that hadn't occured to the young prince. He knew one thing then. No matter how dangerous. How risky and how stupid his actions were, if it was to protect his friends, he would carry it out with pride.

Y/n had noticed the uneasy feeling radiating off of Zen. She knew he would do something reckless so she would have to keep an eye on him. her new job was going to be tiring but she didn't mind. She was surprised when she heard Prince Raj declined the offer. He would usually do anything for money. What was it that was different now?  Nonetheless, she was happy beyond compare. She didn't know she meant that much to him. In order for him to agree to the deal, she had to convince him. Telling him that she'll visit once a week. That if it was for the kingdom she wouldn't mind. On the other hand, she felt like her entire lifestyle was about to change. 

The words that she wanted to say had not come out of her mouth. Zen was being called over by  Prince Izana. The cool sensation in her hands had caught her attention. What is this? 

Raj had wanted to give it to her after they had bonded but never had the courage to do so, seeing as he was a cowardly prince. The little piece of Metal. It held everything they experienced up until now. It was very precious to him. This action of affection had taken the girl by surprise. what has gotten  into my prince? He actually looks cool.

The feeling of satisfaction had brought a smile onto Obi's face.Everyone was happy right now. Now. How long will it last though? Obi had decided to do some research on her background information. Judging by how much she suffered, who knows how that will change the future.

He should live in the present. Not the past nor the future. Focus on whats happening right now. If something were to happen tomorrow, then tomorrow they shall handle it. 

There was nothing more to say. Everything was perfect. For now at least.

Zen had been miserable. Y/n had to go back to Tanbarun to gather her things and the he was, stuck doing princely things. At least he would get to see her tomorrow, and the next day and the next. The thought along had caused the white haired boy to smile. He still wanted her to call him normally.

She should have left by now. No point in sneaking out today. Maybe I should finish tomorrow's workload too. 

Being determined, He began.

Knocking? Who could it be? If he remembered right, after they sent her off, KiKi, Mitsuhide, Obi and Shirayuki were going to gather more herbs in the forest. so who was at the door? 

" Prince Zen? May I come in?"

That voice. what was she doing here? Didn't she leave? Zen made a mental note to fix the door. The squeaking every time someone walked in was frustrating.

Standing in front of him was none other than female knight. The fidgeting girl made her way up to the boy.

" U-um"

This was definitely the first time he heard her stutter. 

" I just want to let you know. I'll protect you with my life so you should rest easy, Zen"

So He was worried for nothing. She said it. His name.

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