Pia Mia Saves Kylie

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Kylie was the boss and she knew it.  After all, she was on TV.  Her family was famous.  The paparazzi followed her everywhere.  She owned the town.  She had a posse and they followed her around.  It was August, the night of the Teen Choice Awards.  Kylie and her friends went to the show and had a swell time.  They flirted with the cute guys, made catty remarks about other girls and primped and preened the whole night long.  That night, Kylie was particularly interested in Ross from R5.  He had his own band, TV show and was a hot dude.  She spied him just before the show and was ready to go up to him and make him want her.  Only problem was he was talking to Cody Simpson.  Ya, that Cody.  He was Kylie's Ex and their brief relationship had ended badly.  Kylie was determined to show Cody that she could get any guy she wanted.  

So Kylie walked up right in the midst of their conversation.  She turned her back toward Cody, edging him out of the picture.  She was all over Ross, touching his arm, rubbing her leg against him.  As she did so, she kept glancing over at Cody.  Was she really into Ross or actually trying to make Cody jealous?  She may not have even known herself.  Ross was certainly enjoying the attention.  Kylie was looking hot in her muted royal blue dress and white heels.  Her figure was more than ample and she appeared particularly perky on this night.   Searching for something to say, Ross all of a sudden blurted out "Hey didn't you and Cody go out?"  Cody was a bit taken aback.  But Kylie didnt miss a beat "We did but I have moved on to real men" she said as she brushed the hair on Ross's forehead back.  A smirk came across her face.  Cody was angry and hurt.  He didn't know how to respond.  But rather than take more abuse, he quickly blurted out "Ya, it didn't work out.  I gotta go find Alli anyway."  Alli his sister was only a few rows away chatting it up with Olivia Holt and the younger Cimorelli sisters among others.  Alli was a fun-loving, friendly girl who knew how to make everyone feel good.   Cody, more of the brooding type, came over and gave her a look.  Alli knew that Cody needed to talk to her.  She suspected Kylie was the problem.  Why?  She wondered "He certainly couldn't still have feelings for her after all that."

Kylie tried to carry on a conversation with Ross.  But it was difficult.  He really didn't have much to say.  She began to wonder if there was much there beyond his looks.  Just as she signaled for her friends to join the convo and rescue her, the announcer had asked everyone to be seated as the show was about to start.  The show was boring in parts.  Austin Mahone performed and was awful.  1D had the crowd going nuts, but their performance was only OK.  Really, Bridget Mendler and Paramore were the only thing good about it.  Kylie and her friends enjoyed bashing most of the people who won.  This was in contrast to Alli who was happy for everyone and had a great time, despite her silent and sullen brother sister next to her.

After the show everyone was heading for the Avalon Hotel that was holding an all ages dance party. The paps were stationed out front and snapped away feverishly as Kylie and her friends entered right beyond Jaden Smith, who Kylie was seeing on and off.  Mostly off.   The girls lingered about complaining about the DJ and looking for the Special VIP area that they had been invited to hang out in. The VIP section was down a labyrinthine hall and was actually several suites put together with one main area and lots of private rooms. It was kind of cool, there was sushi and little weiner dogs with mustard.  The girls hung out for a bit.  But they began to get bored of the crowd.  The people there weren't real celebrities like Kylie.  They were just hangers-on that Kylie and her friends Stassie, Telena, and Pia Mia would come across about town.  The girls decided to take some food and go find a private room to do some texting and check their make-up.  It looked like there were a couple free rooms off to the left.

As Kylie's posse looked into the first room there were several people hanging around.  So they moved on to the last room.  It was a fairly large room with couches and a giant mirror.  There were only two girls in it.  They were at the mirror with their backs turned.   Telena was gonna ask them to leave and tapped one of the blondes on the soldier.  As she turned around, Stassie let out an audible gasp.  It was Alli Simpson, Cody's sister.   Alli and Kylie had partied together a couple times before when Cody was seeing her.  But they had not spoken since.  In fact, Alli had generally taken great pains to avoid Kylie.  But there was no avoiding her now.   Alli had Cody's bruised feelings fresh in her mind.   Kylie was the first to speak "Will you girls leave so that me and my friends can enjoy ourselves?" Her eyes were sparkling as she spoke.  Alli didn't want trouble but she did feel the need to speak up for Cody.  That's when all hell broke loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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