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Flights overseas had always been the same. A nice view of the calming ocean and the endless blue sky, followed by hours of movies and naps. Even though the trip was around 10 hours, with some minor delays on some occasions, each visit felt like a little adventure rather than a lengthy journey to Sean. However, this trip in particular made him feel antsy. He couldn't sit still as he waited for his plane to take off, and while up in the sky, he wasn't able to rest for even a minute. This trip to Los Angeles felt more significant than previous visits, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on the reason behind this strange feeling. Like every other voyage to the States, Sean was mostly there to take part in a con and meet up with his friends. Usually he would simply be excited to reunite with Mark, Bob, and Wade, alongside some other Youtubers in the area, but something was different. Since Mark was able to move into a nicer home in L.A., he chose to invite his Irish friend to stay with him, rather than finding a hotel to stay at. Perhaps this was the reason that Sean was so anxious.

Nevertheless, the plane eventually touched down in Los Angeles around 10:30pm, and he was finally able to touch solid ground again. Back on the ground, Sean felt a lot more comfortable and he was able to clear his mind as he walked through the airport, his eyes scanning the people passing around him. The whole crowd was a blur to him; strangers mixed together forming a collage of colors that always intrigued him. It was amazing that there are so many people out in the world that will never meet or never realize the existence of each other.

"Over here!" he heard a booming voice call out to him from his left. He turned his head to see an arm waving above a crowd. There were a few girls giggling near the edge of the crowd, but they soon moved away to reveal the short man that was hidden by the taller strangers. Mark continued waving and calling out to him, even as he drew closer to his friend.

"Don't shout so loud, Mark, the whole airport will riot," Sean teased as he met up with Mark and his two friends, Matt and Ryan.

"Yeah, all the girls will swoon over this sweet, sexy voice of mine," Mark stated in a sensual tone, striking a pose and causing the few fangirls nearby to squeal before they scurried away to catch a plane. Sean simply shook his head and laughed at his friend's antics.

The group quickly headed out and made their way to Mark's home. Sean remained silent in the car, staring out the window into the night sky dotted by city lights. He could see a plane moving through the clouds, red and white lights blinking on the wings. A tiny part of him wished to be on that plane, returning home where he could be back in his comfort zone, yet he couldn't understand why he wanted to leave. He was surrounded by friends, and they had fun plans ahead of them.

No matter how much he thought about the subject, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in the pit up his stomach. Somehow, he felt queasy sitting next to Mark, even more so when the heavy silence hung over them. Even though he was sure it was meant to be a more peaceful silence, he couldn't help but to feel awkward in the group. Being the only one there from a different country meant that he was the odd one of the group, even if they had all talked and hung out several times before this meeting. Why was he only now feeling strange?

The car ride to Mark's home seemed endless, even though it was no more than a 15 minute drive. The street lights were constantly flashing into the car, revealing a blank look on Sean's face, and calm smiles on the rest of the guys. When the group seemed close to dying - at least in Sean's mind - Mark finally burst out.

"I think we should throw a party for Jack coming all this way to hang out with us!" his voice was filled with excitement. Ryan released a sarcastic sigh, shaking his head from the front seat. Matt laughed and agreed with Mark on the idea. "What do you think, Jack?"

"Well, I am kinda tired from the plane ride, but sure! That sounds fun!" Sean tried to sound as chipper as possible, only to make his friends happy. Seeing Mark's face light up with joy made him feel warm inside, and he instantly began smiling as well. "Let's get CRUNK!" He cheered and chuckled alongside his friend. With that decision made, the changed the destination to a nearby club and readied themselves for a wild party into the night.

By 1am, they struggled out to the car. Matt ended up being the designated driver and hopped in the front seat as Ryan dragged Mark to the car.

"I really don't think you should've played beer pong Mark, you knew you were going to lose," Sean said, still able to walk straight. "You can never beat an Irishman at drinking!"

"Shut up you," Mark slurred, angrily pointing at his friend before stumbling into the backseat. "Hey, it was your idea to do this in the first place!"

"What? No it wasn't, you're the one who suggested it, you dumbass!" he then burst out laughing at Mark as he flopped onto the floor of the car. "Jaysus, Mark, you really can't handle alcohol." Mark mumbled what sounded to be a mix between "shut up" and "fuck off", causing Sean to laugh even more. "Get your arse up her, you buffoon!" He nudged his drunk friend with his foot before sliding into the seat beside the car window.

Eventually, Mark climbed onto the seat, buckled in, and flopped back to the side. Once everyone was somewhat secure in their seats, they headed to Mark's house to finally get some rest.

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