Chapter 4

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"Deandra Jean Malfoy, I sincerely hope for both our sakes that you are lying to me."

"Keep your voice down, Sierra. I panicked, okay?"

"You panicked? You panicked, so you poofed into thin air?!"

"Mum was probably disarming the wards at that time so everyone else in her crazy group could go home."

Sierra took a deep breath. "Okay, we're gonna go through this slowly. First, the lesser of my concerns, since when can you Apparate?"

Deandra shrugged. "Mum taught me and Harry quite a few years ago. She's kind of over-prepared for everything."

"Okay," Sierra nodded, not really processing any of this new information. She'd pester Deandra about it when she was done with her more pressing matters. "Second, what made you think it was a good idea to come and tell me now only?"

Deandra shrugged again. "I used the rest of the night to think about it."

"Right," Sierra was beginning to breathe heavily and faster, a sure sign she was going to explode if she didn't calm down. "And the most important question." Sierra made sure to lower her voice to whisper-yell as she was sure Deandra wouldn't want anyone else hearing their conversation as they walked to Divination. "What, in this entire universe, possessed you to run away after a kiss? Don't you watch TV? Don't you read? What made you think that was a good idea?"

Deandra winced. "This is not a movie or a book, Sierra, this is my life. I'm not like those 'perfect' girls, who faint at the sight of bad boy number one, or fall into the arms of the nearest cute guy at the sight of injury. I'm an independent young girl that is slightly freaked out and admittedly intrigued by a very hot boy that I just kissed! Sierra, this is serious! I just met him two hours earlier and, okay, granted I was thinking about kissing him, but not actually right then. You know? And Kyle! Just because he's stuck doesn't mean - ugh. Boys, I don't particularly like them."

Sierra blinked. "Wow. You are just . . . unbelievably confused and lost in life."

"I'm not lost in life," Deandra snapped. Then another completely new thought dawned on her. "Oh my god, he's going to think it's because of something he said! Sierra! Help!"

"Go talk to him," Sierra offered.

Deandra really didn't want to, and looked for an easy way to ease her way out of it. "I can't. We don't have any classes with the Slytherins."

"Yeah, but this is Fourth Year . . . and this is Divination."

Deandra suddenly grinned. "He's not even in our year, Finnegan. There goes your plan."

"No," Sierra agreed, "But isn't Professor Zabini just one of the oddest teachers ever? Haven't you heard the tales of Divination? Where were you in the last week of Third Year?"

"Skiving off with you. Thanks for the extreme grounding, by the way."

"Explains a lot. Kyle told me about it all. From Fourth Year on, Professor Loony teaches all her divination students together."

"One, Professor Zabini, and two, maybe he doesn't take Divination?"

Sierra smirked as they neared the classroom door. "Nope. I see a hunched-over head in green. Can't be anyone else, can it?"

Deandra groaned and shuffled in behind Sierra, joining the rest of the Fourth Years that chose Divination the year before.

"Good morning, students," Luna greeted in her light, airy voice, a friendly smile across her features. "This is something new to our Fourth Year friends. For the rest of your schooling at Hogwarts, Divination will occur like this. Your partner won't always be the same, but it certainly won't be the ones you had last year."

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