C6-Fun jokes

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Hello! It's me! (No way you could have guessed, right?) And I thought to make the book a little more interesting I thought I'd add in a page of Star Wars jokes here and there. Hope you like them and tell me of any spelling mistakes. These jokes are NOT my own, so lots of credit to who wrote them!

1. What do you call a Sith that doesn't want to fight a Jedi?
A Sithy.

2. What did the yam say to Luke Skywalker?
I yam your father

3. What do you get when you cross fruit with a bounty Hunter?
Mango Fett.

4. Why did Kyle Run join the dark side?
He was tired of being Solo

5. What did the death star wear to a party?
A bow TIE!

All for now! Thanks guys! Hope you liked them. Comment what your favorite joke was please!

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