CHAPTER ONE prologue 2

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Hi guys. Here's comes actual chapter one. Above is a picture of the weapon I'm planning for Shiej for have. The sword above is from the design of a mithrodin sword. Look it up, they look badass. Any who, before I get more distracted, here's your chapter.

CHAPTER 1 prologue 2

I heard shouts and screams behind me, but I only stopped, hiding behind a few trees and listening in on what was happening. "Where did he go, Cain!?" It was my mother's voice. She was talking to my father," He ran! He kicked me in the face twice and ran off!" I heard a small squeak and whimpering," why would he run? Have we treated him so badly he thought of leaving us?"
My eyes widened as I heard how upset my mother sounded. I didn't say anything though and kept my ear in their direction." Why do you think he did it? He barely ever even talks anymore! It's not my fault he shut himself out and acts as if the world's against him!" My father seemed angry. Great. Mama protested, "Calm down, honey! He could come back! He's only eight for the lords' sake."
"Yeah, but he acts as if he were a grown man. I want him to experience his childhood normally, dammit.... I bet he hates me for being gone so much. I was even going to give him back that strange locket of his."

"Locket? He had a locket?" I'm pretty father probably nodded before saying," yeah, he carried it everywhere, acted as if it was his lifeline. So I took it for awhile so he would get over it."
I couldn't hold in the gasp that left my mouth and the conversation abruptly stopped. My mother's voice called," Shiej, is that you out there!" I didn't answer. Well, more like I couldn't. My breathing became more labored as I covered my mouth, my eyes wide. I stood up, trying to run, but instead I collapsed, signaling my location to my parents.

Papa dashed to my location, picking me up and running me into the house. I began to hyperventilate, coughing profusely. My dad winced," ahh, I forgot how loud your voice was, Shiej." I didn't stop coughing, though I stared at him with my luminescent eyes for a second. He set me on my bed and propped me up with multiple down pillows, my mama coming in with water and a rag. She helped me down the water then took the rag, which was damp and put it on my head.

I began to feel worse and clutched my head in pain, clenching my mouth shut to keep a scream from leaving my lips. Images leapt through my mind, making me a jumbled mess, and suddenly, I couldn't hold it anymore. I let out a loud, piercing shout, that rang throughout the village and threw my parents across the room, covering their ears in pain.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!" The shrill screech continued as more images blew through my mind, over and over. My head was in so much agony. I heard something faintly yelp and opened my pain-filled eyes to see my mother... to see mama right next to me, her ears bleeding, her eyes crying out blood. She slowly ruffled my hair, and suddenly, she was... gone.
All that was left was a pile of guts on the floor. I felt no more pain in my head, as it had gone blank. All I saw, all I knew was what I saw my mama turn into. Tears hit the brim of my eyes and I sluggish sat up and as I did, a small gift of my mama's long braided brunette hair fell next to me. My eyes widened and the tears finally let themselves out, cascading down my face in long streams and pitter pattering on my wrists. Papa had just recovered from the shock of the screech and saw what was.... left of her.

And he saw me crying my eyes out holding a tuft of my dead mother's hair in my astray hand.

And, before I could think, my father had a look of complete rage on his face, staring straight at me. My tears didn't cease and I sat there, ready to get what was coming to me. Death. But it didn't happen. He stopped right before the knife he held in his hand slashed my neck.
Lou, who had just come in saw this, and slapped the knife out of Papa's hand, yelling," WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" He then saw what had set our father off. He didn't take it well either. The fear and pain in my eyes was so painfully clear I think that Lou might've even felt pity for me before he grabbed by the scruff of my shirt and threw me into a wall covered in my mother's entrails. "..." I didn't say but two words," kill me..." Papa and Lou both snapped their heads up, looking at me confused. I smiled slightly, tears still making their way down my face," I did this. Just... just kill me... I deserve it. I wanted... I wanted to die anyway....." the last few words were but a murmur. Lou did something unexpected after that, he ran up to me, covered in blood and mama, and hugged me. My eyes were wide and filled with confusion. I whispered," why would you...?" He whispered," run." "Why" he growled," just do it. I'll talk to Papa, try to calm him down, but I don't think I'll be able to see you for awhile after this, Shiej. Take care of yourself." I grabbed his shoulders, saying," I don't want to go anymore though!" He said, his voice cracking," just go. I'll see you at some point. I'm looking forward to seeing you all grown up. Don't let me down, alright." His scraggly hair brushed my face softly as he released me and threw me my pack, pushing me through the doorway.

I began to run, passing by onlookers and angry villagers, rocks and stones thrown at me in spite. I passed the sign, saying,' willowbrook woods village' and jogged down the road, growing increasingly slower as I lost energy, and finally falling to my knees in a small field, where I fell asleep to the sound of wind blown grass.

Dunno if I made anyone cry, but I think it was sad. Of course, I'm overly sensitive, so it might just be me. But anyway, chapter two shall be set 12 years later, as I want him to be twenty when the after prologue is started. Thank you for reading my story and please comment and vote to give me support to keep working on it! ^^

did you know everyone has to cry.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora