Ch. 1

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        School didn't normally bother me much. I didn't like it much but really who did. Today was different though not the normal get good grade, avoid any eye contact.  Today I was a little more than tired. I had fallen asleep in my favorite class of the day, catching the attention of Ms.Blossom. Her bright eyes wide awake filled either sternness.
"Addy, is my class really that boring." she asked softly.  I would answer no but was smart enough to figure out it was rhetorical.
"I need to speak after class" she said before returning to her lecture. Although I didn't fall asleep I spent the rest of class daydreaming.
        The bell finally rang. I slowly pack up not moving from my seat.
"Addy I have decided who you'll be tutoring." her words caught my attention. I looked around seeing if the other students was there only for my eyes to land on Stone. Is named was actually Damien but no one except for Ms. B called him that. Resident Bad Boy at MonroeVelt High. The girl swooned for him and many of the guys envied him. Hair midnight black and grey eyes the color of storms and sadness. They were cold enough to strike fear and gave him an air of mysteriousness. I could go on but was brought out of my thoughts by arguing.
"I don't need a tutor" Stone said loudly
"Your grades says otherwise" Ms. B retorted calmly. Damien continued on though.
"My schedule is to full and I wouldn't even have the time"
"That's is why I choose Addy and not another student. She has a very lenient schedule and doesn't have full school day. She is respectable, trustworthy and is great with children. She will be your tutor and that the end of it" She said softly. Her eyes showed the finality of the discussion. I could see and by the way Stone glared he could to.
"Whatever" he said. He grabbed his thing exiting quickly but not before shoving me over. 
"Ms Maybe this isn't such a good idea. I just mean he doesn't want to believe tutored so..." I trailed off.
"It will be good for both of you" she said and quickly walked away.

        "I found out who I'm going to be tutored" I told MJ.
"Are they hot, are they being nice?" She said distractedly. How am I supposed to answer that.
"He's the schools Bad boy. I'm pretty sure he nice and just doesn't want to believe tutored." I said. There's a pause and noise of papers.
"What do you mean is he being a ass?"
"No, I just don't think so" I say with little confidence.
"Huh okay" she says distractedly
"You seem busy we'll talk later." I say and quickly hang up. Well I knew this day was gonna suck "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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