Chapter 1

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Celeste's POV

I sighed as I dropped another star on the minion's head. It groaned in pain as I sent my basic attack onto it, killing it. I reached out for the gold that went out of it's pocket and headed straight to the jungle shop.

"Celeste?" I heard a feminine voice speak. I turned to see Koshka with Catherine.

"Good thing you're alright." She whispered as she bought a potion and drank it. Catherine went to kill the minion on the side of the jungle, where she gave us some gold she caught.

Quickly buying my Heavy Prism, I headed back to the lane. I quickly attacked the minions and pushed forward to the turret.

Just as the, my body feels hot. Wait, I am on fire! But this is no ordinary fire. It's not red. I quickly hid in a bush to observe. I looked up to see the minion's health shot back to full. What the?

Then I saw him. Our enemy laner.

He has white hair, majestic blue wings, pants and a blue tail. I blushed on the thought of his bare chest.

But nevertheless, he is my enemy. Quickly, I drank a potion and went out of the bush and started to spam lots of stars. He withdrew back and I said a chant as I levitated to air. The next thing I know, I'm back to the base.

After a few seconds of replenishments, I bought the Eve of Harvest and Light Shield.

I headed to the jungle, where the gold mine is being slain by Koshka and Catherine.

"Hey, wait up!" I said as I stunned it with the Core Collapse. With one pounce, Koshka killed it and went directly to the shop.

"Wew, the fox is sure hard to kill. He keeps on disappearing!" Koshka said as she bought Aftershock. Catherine bought a Fountain of Renewal and I bought Reflex Block. Just then, the fox they were saying appeared beside me.

Koshka saw it and she pounced on him. I keep on flying stars. But it was no use!

"Damn, they got a healer!" Catherine cursed as she stunned the fox. Then he threw a red smoke bomb and poof, disappeared.

"Not so fast!" Catherine said as she launched a flare gun. There we saw him in the bush and Koshka? Pounced on him and twirled. But seemingly, another heal shot his health bar back to life. Who the hell is this?

He did a somersault over Koshka, causing her to scream in pain as his blades cut on her skin. No way in hell. Not only that, her did an X-mark on Catherine, as she groaned in pain. But I noticed, the fire a while ago only affects if there is a heal. But not only that.

There's another guy in a red outfit and a sword piercing us. His blond ponytail swayed in the air. We managed to escape before that blue angel appeared, thanks to Cath's War Treads. Me teleported back to our base, to replenish our life.

After some minutes, I managed to destroy two of their turrets. But in return, they destroyed two of ours too. Buying Shatterglass and Broken Myth, I headed back to the lane and... saw the angel again... damn, why does he need to appear everywhere?

Damn, he's just so hot, admit it.

Where the hell did that come from?

"Oww!" I gave a yelp upon being shot by that angel.

"What?" He responded, as he amplified his own attacks and hit me again.

"Heh. Burn, asshole!" I said as I send out a burst of stars, each dropping beside him, and he withdrew back. With two supernovas, he was forced to teleport, but my Solar Storm is in cooldown.

Fack the cooldown.

"Careful!" Koshka shrieked behind me. That pretty boy waved his sword while moving forward, damaging her. Good thing, Cath arrived in a nick of time. With a Fountain, we went back to battle, as Koshka lunged a fury of lashes at him. He groaned as her claws tore his clothes.

Later on, we lost all of our turrets. A loss in the first day. But why can't I forget about that stupid angel?

So that's it for Chapter 1! P.S suggestions is deeply needed...

Shooting Stars (Adagio x Celeste)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt