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New York, 1926



The moment Rain stepped off the dock, a light gasp fell from her lips at the sight of the Big Apple itself right before her. She glanced at her best friend, Fleur who seemed to have the same expression painted on her delicate features. The two gazed at the busy yet beautiful sight, not bothered by the cold air gushing and the people who meandered among them.

"I honestly didn't know what Evelyn was bragging about." Fleur muttered, a smile gracing her pink lips as she glanced at Rain who was already walking speedily away to get to baggage check. Rain wanted to get into the city as soon as possible. Though their business wasn't to tour around the city for the three days that they were there, Rain couldn't help but think about all the muggle things they could do in such an enormous city like this one.

"I'm sure Evelyn won't mind if we explored a bit?" Rain shrugged, a small smile on her face. Evelyn was a nice elderly woman, a wise one too. Evelyn Manor was one of the greatest witches Rain came to know in her time in the wizarding world. Rain and Fleur were devoted workers of hers who insisted on helping her with the work she needed to get done. Evelyn mostly specialized in keeping magic the secret that it has been, just like the Magical Congress. Whoever went against that oh so respected law, were to be taken down no matter the consequence. And of course, any muggle in the way had to be inevitably obiliviated.

Rain wondered what the secret service was like here in New York, seeing as every city, and every place had its own rules and ways of standing out. Rain hated the spell, she hated the idea of simply forgetting. She's had a past she wished she could just have erased from her mind though.

But the two girls have been travelling for the past year now, from London to Melbourne, even up and down the west coast of the United States. Anywhere that magic happened, the two had scoped the area and returned to Evelyn with the detailed information. Usually nothing too chaotic or nothing the two couldn't handle ever happened, so it wasn't as much of a challenge as Rain thought. She liked her job though.

Fleur jogged to Rain's side as they both approached the baggage check line. As Rain stares aimlessly before her, she taps her foot impatiently.

Suddenly, Rain is snapped from her thoughts when she felt a light tap on her right shoulder. Her face dropped when she turned to her side, slack jawed with nothing to say as her eyes fell on him. Rain couldn't believe her eyes, with that she was absolutely gobsmacked.

"Newt?!" Fleur spoke instead, gasping ever so slightly. Her crystal eyes widened, a small smile on her face. Rain breathed out, desperately trying to play it cool.

"Jesus Christ." Rain muttered lowly, her eyes screwing closed.

     "I'm afraid not. Just little old me." The boy in the blue overcoat joked, tilting his head.

Rain scoffed at his remark, nearly snorting as she drew her eyes away. Maybe if she pretended that Newt wasn't standing there, it'd become reality. There must be a spell for that.

"So what brings you to New York, Mr. Scamander?" Fleur smiled, raising her eyebrows in curiosity.

Newt pulled a small smile, still finding it humorous that Rain was trying so hard to pretend like he hadn't been standing there. "Well, this is more like a little stop over. I've been travelling a lot, actually."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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