part 7

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As promised James met lily in the common room at 7 well actually he had gone to dinner early so they wouldn't meet and ruin everything. Well it was really just him he was worried would ruin something he was finally becoming friends with Lily Evans the girl he had been pining after since 2nd year when the hormones kicked in. He really did not want to mess this up, so to keep himself distracted he began to work on quidditch strategies for the upcoming year.

This was how Lily found him after wondering if he was ever going to come to dinner only to hear from Peter that he was working on something and ate earlier. When she finally walked into their shared living area James was right in the middle of planning a power play, he quickly cast it aside and made room on the couch for her. Lily cast an altered enchantment on the wall opposite of the sofa this enchantment to display moving pictures had been altered by the schools spell creation and alteration club at an American school to display movies mugged and wizard as well and now the ministry was trying to get it under control so that wizards and witches would have to pay for the movies before they could use them. After James decided he wanted to watch a mingle horror movie Lily picked out jaws seeing as it wasn't too terrifying. However she still cuddled up to James when the jump scares came up. Before either of them knew it the movie was over "well that decides I'm never going into any body of water bigger than a puddle" James stated confidently and a bit nervously. He was so glad to have Lily cuddling up next to him that he could hardly focus on being scared, he was sure that as long as she was snuggled up to him the way she was then he could watch the scariest movie in the world and never even flinch, that is until she moved away from him as soon as she sat up he found himself scared out of his mind. "How about we make this a Friday night tradition" James asked cautiously "our Friday night tradition" "I don't know, I mean don't you have quidditch practice on Friday nights?" Lily asked curiously "yeah" he lamented "but that ends at 9 o'clock if you can wait till about 9:30 we can watch something after it" "but wont you be tired you'll need to get your rest before the matches" she reasoned "the team, hell maybe the entire house of Gryffindor would kill me if they found out you lost the match because you were up all night with me, half of them would make assumptions about what we were doing and the other half would be too angry to care." "I'll be fine lils and no one is going to lay a finger on you, well maybe except for me" he said with his usual smirk only he said it softly this time. Lily was blushing and it only made it worse when she realized how close their faces were. "Umm.. I should get going to bed its pretty late" Lily almost whispered "yeah" "would you mind coming with me?" she asked sheeply, and suddenly James became a wolf in sheep's clothing giving her a wild grin. "Ugh not to do anything, I was just scared by the movie, you don't have to come." "No! I'll be there, definitely be there" He said getting excited "down boy" lily laughed and beckoned him up to her room "I'll be right there actually" "well hurry up before I change my mind" she teased and went up to her room to change. When she was gone James did a sort of yes motion with his arms and quickly went up to his own large room to change.

When he stepped into the threshold of Lily's doorway she could see him fully. He was wearing noting but some Gryffindor flannel pajama pants which were worn low enough for Lily to see the Adonis belt leading down to his groin, she had to look away quickly to keep from blushing. "Well are you coming or not?" she said rolling over pretending to get into a more comfortable position but really just trying not to look at him and inflate his ego any further. James moved quickly to the side of the bed and pulled back the covers enough to see that lily was wearing a pair of shorts and a gray tank top that said Go Go Gryffindor on the front of it. It slightly excited him he had never seen so much of her exposed leg, well except for the time in 5th year when she and some of her friends decided to take a dip in the lake one particularly hot afternoon trying to cool down, the sight of her in a swimsuit did nothing to help him cool down. She hadn't known he was watching them then and it was nice to have her permission to look at her for once instead of being told to sod off. "Well Potter are you going to get in or are you just going to stand there all night staring at my arse?" Lily said teasingly "Lily you know that if you would let me I would willingly stare at your arse forever" he said unsarcastically, crawling into her bed he snuggled up close to her so that they were spooning and he put his arms around her "is that better?" he whispered in her ear "much" she said almost breathlessly "I'll protect you from any sharks that might wander up here" he said in a teasing tone "are you mocking me cause if you are you can just leave" she threatened "listen if you're just going to threaten me all night then I will" he said seriously "okay I'm sorry I will try to relax more okay?" "alright" 

They cuddled there all night long lily turned over occasionally so that they were holding each other it was a very sweet night that they both would remember.

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