"Well, now you're here, do you want a drink?" I asked.

"Yeah, coke. Where were you at school today? I ran into Brett this morning, it was so awkward. I looked for you so I could tell you but I couldn't find you and I didn't know where you were all day." She asked.

"I was where I usually am when your with a lad at break." I replied. "Wait, do you not realise that I go?"

"Well yeah obviously... Maybe... Not really." She finally admitted.

"Well great. I'm invisible to everyone now."

"No, you know me, I'm just preoccupied. I wouldn't ignore you on purpose." She smiled at me.

I nodded and walked off to get a drink. I came back in with two glasses of coke and gave one to her. She drank some and then carried on talking about Wesley. I just sat and listened and nodded where necessary.

She eventually decided she had to get home and after I closed the door I slid down it. What am I going to do?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~Monday morning~

I managed to avoid Wesley and Candy the whole of last week but it was hard. I walked to school on my own claiming that I had 'extra revision' before school and practically ran to lessons. I spent lunch in the library and then I walked home with Candy because it would have been suspicious if I hadn't.

This morning I got up and got a message of Candy.

'Any revision this morning? Xx'

I replied with 'Yep. Already walking to school now' before sitting down at my dressing table to do my make up and hair. I know it's sly but I'm confused about the situation and until I know what to do I need to stay away incase I ruin things for Candy and Wes. I'd hate for them to be unhappy because of me.

I walked to school and walked to my locker without being seen, well, I thought I hadn't been seen.

"Revision before school huh?" A voice popped up next to me. I turned around to face them.

"Hey Wes." I put on a smile to hide my awkwardness.

"Hi. So I thought you were in revision but then I realised they don't do early morning revision. I didn't say anything to Candy but I thought I'd come speak to you. So, why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

"You noticed?" I asked. I didn't think he would. I've been replying to his messages and stuff.

"Yes. It was the first time the other day that niether of us has been sick and we didn't walk to class together and at first I thought it was just nothing but then you didn't show up again and again and its been just about a week now and I want to know whats up with you." He replied.

"Oh, wow. Well, urm... I guess I just... I don't know. I've not been in the best mood lately." I replied. I mean, it's partly truthful, I haven't.

"Oh, well is it anything I can help you with?" He asked, suddenly looking worried. My heart melted a little, oh Wes, why do you have to be so kind?

"Uhh, nahh I got it." I smiled.

"Oh okay. Anyway, we still on for the cinema later?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, I'm not doing anything, as per usual." I smiled.

"Great. Were going to see trolls. You in?" He replied.

"Wait, we?" I asked.

"Yeah, me and Candy." He replied.

"Oh, right yeah. Urm, I've just realised I've got a thing tonight that I planned the other day. I'm sorry, I totally forgot." I lied. It felt horrible lying to him but I had to. I couldn't be in a cinema next to those two.

"What? But me and you always go to the cinema on Monday nights?" He looked hurt. I wanted to bang my head against the wall repeatedly, but I didn't.

"Well, maybe now you and Candy can go together." I replied before walking off.

"Wait what?" He asked. "Natasha." He called after me. I quickened my pace. "NATASHA!" I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer by the second.

"Natasha." He said as he got close enough to grab my hand. He spinned me around to face him. "What are you going on about?" He asked softly.

"Nothing, just leave me alone." I tried to walk away but his gentle grip on my arms stopped me.

"No, I want to know what going on." He said as he looked straight into my eyes. I could feel tears forming slowly as I realised that this was our first ever fight.

"No." I said firmly as I yanked my hands away from his and started to run.

"Oh not again. NATASHA." He shouted. I carried on running and this time he didn't follow.

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