Liam: " Steffy wait," he was so close to explode and they haven't even begin yet, how she know how to make him fall apart. He lay down on the bed and dragged her over him, unto his lap and kissed her hard. She stroked him, tentatively at first, then more boldly as he shuddered beneath her touch. Finally, he tore his mouth away. " Steffy please stop." He grasped her wrist, pulled her hand away from his length. " Keep doing that, and we'll be finished before we begin. I want you too much for play."

Steffy smile, " well what are you waiting for then."

Liam closed his eyes and swallowed hard, Steffy smile, knowing that she was the one that make him loose control.

Liam kiss her knuckles, trying to get himself under control, he want to please her, but if she kept looking at him like that, he don't know if that would be possible, but he would try even if it kill him.

Liam flip her back over so he was above her, he couldn't let her stay on top of him, if he give her too much power, she will bring him to pieces in no time. His length ache driving him to distraction. He wanted to thrust into her, now. But he would deny himself until he'd given her this.
He put one of his hand under her buttocks it was round and smooth in his hands as he pressed a kiss to her belly. He intended to go slow, to drive her insane as she was making him, but the satiny feel of her, her sweet womanly scent, the heat and lushness, he couldn't wait.
Liam licked a path down her abdomen, sliding into her femininity, finding the little point of pleasure. He spread her with his fingers, ran the flat of his tongue over her clitoris, varying the pressure.

Steffy wound her fingers through his hair as she threw her head back, little panting sounds of delight bursting from her.

She was eager, wet, Liam knew not to let her go over yet, he backed away each time he sense she was close. He wanted to drag it out, wanted to give her so much pleasure she would never desire another man. It still stab him a bit that she was with his brother, he now knows how it feel when he leaves her everytime to go back to Hope, because he felt he was obligated to married her, the pain of what he must have cause her start to tighten in his chest, he shake the memory off, now it's not time for that he can deal with that later.
Liam thoughts turn back to Steffy, his Steffy, her eyes were still close.
He slipped a finger inside her tight passage and her knees buckled as she cried out. He body clutched at him greedily as she shuddered and shuddered.

Oh my god what was that, she have always come apart with Liam but nothing like this, this was different it's like he's trying to erase Wyatt from her memory. Well if that's were his plan, it certainly did work, she were doomed for any other man, not that she want any other, she is right were she wants to be.

Liam make his way above her, he was tired of waiting any longer, he need to be inside her before he loose his mind.
He lift her hips with one broad hand beneath her bottom and drove into her.

Steffy cried out from the shock of it, the incredible pressure and tension, the sweet aching beauty of make possession. But not just any male, this male, this gorgeous, amazing man.

Liam: " Steffy, you feel so good, I want to stay like this....."

Steffy wrapped her legs around him, lifted herself until she could catch him around the neck and pull him down to her lips.
His mouth fused to hers, hot and wet, his tongue plunging into the moist recesses of her mouth to tangle with her own.
He move his hips, sliding away from her while she tried to hold him tight. He plunged forward again and her scalp tingled. Everything tingled. Every last nerve ending, every last cell. He entire body was alive with the sensation of what he did to her.
She ran her hands down his sides, cupped his butt as she lifted her hips to him. Her body was ready for him, and yet she knew she would be somewhat tender when it was over. And she didn't care. She pushed up into each long stroke, meeting him at the top, the pressure more exquisite each time.

" Steffy," Liam groaned. " What you do to me."

" Don't stop, Liam. Please don't......" Steffy squeezed her eyes shut. " I can't.....can't last....."

Liam growl, and then he let go of his control. Soon they were both beyond restraint, slamming into each other urgently.
As the tempo increase, Liam buried his face against her neck, his breathing as ragged as her own.

Steffy could feel it coming, hovering on the edge of her senses, the culmination of an orgasm that was much more complete than the one she had earlier. That had been blissful, shocking, but this, oh, this.
Her breath caught as the first tendrils of it uncoiled inside her. Liam seem to sense it and angle her higher so the pressure change as he stroked into her.
Steffy exploded into a million bright lights. A moment later Liam followed, his hips grinding into her as he came, a broken groan spilling from his lips. A groan that sounded like her name. But she couldn't be sure because she was still trying to gather the pieces of herself back together.

Long minutes later, Liam raise up from atop of her, she mourned the loss of him, but welcome the cool air where it flowed over her sweat-dampened body. Steffy lay with her eyes close, one hand flung over her face, trying to get her breathing under control.

Liam raise up and covered his mouth with Steffy's , his tongue dipping inside to tease and torment.

Liam: " So when is the dinner with your mom."

Steffy: " She says at seven."

Liam look at the time and fling out the bed. " bae it's 6:30 we need to get ready."

Steffy can't help but laugh, he looks as if her mother going to flog him for arriving late. " Liam calm don't we will be a little late but mom won't mind. She knows me got a lot of making up to do."

Liam: " Talking about making up." He wrapped his arms around her waist. " You will be the death of me you know? I can't imagine my life without you. How about when the divorce is final we start making plans for our wedding, and this time forever. No more breaking up, No more getting back together. Deal?"

Steffy: " I like the sound of that, Deal"

Liam place a soft kiss to her mouth to seal the deal and release her so they can finally make their way to the dinner.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading 😘😘

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