Chapter Two

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I was in such a daze as we went sprinting down the pitch black street. What’s happening?? What’s going on?! I thought.

“Pick up the pace, Horizon! C’mon!” Jet practically screamed at me.

Within seconds, we were safely in the church. I fell into Jet’s arms as tears fell from my eyes almost constantly. “What just happened?” I cried.

He shook his head. I could feel him shaking. “We need to get out of here. Out of town. Somewhere safe. They obviously know who we are.”

They: the two men from the library. The ones who murdered my brother so long ago yet it seemed like yesterday. They. I hated them so much.

“Where are we expected to go? This is all we have left!” I pointed out. I wiped a tear from my face. “Why were they after us?”

Jet sighed. “I don’t know. Somehow they figured out who you were. Somehow word got out to them that you were in the room where they killed your brother; maybe they’re set out to kill you, too.

I knit my eyebrows together. “Thanks, Jet. That makes me feel so much better,” I announced sarcastically.

He shrugged. “Sorry…” he said slow.

 I started pacing. “We could flee to Indiana. That’s always an option.”

Jet stood up and stopped me. “If they found you here, they’ll obviously find you anywhere. We need to find a way to turn them in.”

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. “Happy thoughts,” I said aloud. “I’m in a magical world with―”

“Horizon!” snapped Jet. “Now is NOT the time!”

My eyes snapped open as I glared at him. “Well, I’m sorry, but I’m actually trying to calm myself down instead of thinking of all the bad possibilities!”

Jet joined me in my pacing.

That’s when we heard knocking, followed by banging, and then loud thumps that sounded like thunder.

Eyes wide, I shook my head at Jet. I got on my tip-toes and whispered in his ear, “It’s them!” I frantically ran towards a back door that led to a stair well. “Where to?” I asked.

Jet pointed up. We went dashing up the stairs until we came to an old Sunday school classroom that they didn’t use anymore. I ducked inside and looked around. The place was pretty much abandoned except for a few file cabinets and a random dress up box in the corner.

“This’ll have to do,” I said in a hushed tone. “We made sure to lock the front doors, but that won’t keep them out forever.” I climbed between a file cabinet and a wall and made enough room for Jet to squeeze in, too. I swallowed as I looked at him. “I’m more scared now than I was then.”

He nodded as he squeezed my hand. “It’ll be okay. I know it.”

A few hours passed, and the next thing I knew, the sun was shining through the window. My head was resting gently on Jet’s shoulder as I inspected the area. I crept my head around the corner of the cabinet just so I could peek out into the room.

SHOOT! I screamed in my mind.

They were there! How were they there?! They were just laying on the middle of the floor, snoring. It obviously wasn’t safe to climb out yet, but we couldn’t just stay there with the risk of getting killed.

I nudged Jet. I pointed for him to look out, and by his facial expressions, I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE.

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