12. Nevers & Notes

Start from the beginning

Dez shuffled over a bit, not expecting for there to be a reply from the girl in front of them. He had felt bad about the last few days. Treating Ally like she had done something wrong. Yes, in a way she had. But in another, it was Austin's fault. He had Ally completely fooled as to who he really was. Dez didn't even really know if there was a real Austin in there anymore. He seemed different every time he spoke with him. Give or take the fact that Dez had only talked with him twice over the last four years. Both of which had happened within the last week.

Trish frowned as she reread the note for the third time over. Ally never talked like this. She must have been more upset than they had even thought. Trish fumbled with her pencil as she thought through a response. It seemed like no matter what they said though, Ally needed time. It still stopped Trish dead in her tracks. Austin and Ally had only talked for practically five days. Not even a week for that matter. It didn't seem possible that they were able to be so broken up by the fact that it was over. Trish knew that they did what they had to, just as Ally had recognized. But she also knew that Austin hadn't meant that, what he had said in the hallway. She knew he had said something quick to get Dallas off his back.

"What do I say?" Trish whispered to her red headed friend. Dez shrugged and glanced over the note again, trying to come up with something to say. He was drawing a blank as well.

"I don't know. She seems kind of upset. Are you sure we did the right thing?" Dez whispered back unsurely. Trish rolled her eyes and nodded. She had to seem confident, like she knew they had done the right thing. Even though she knew what they had done, was wrong.

"Of course. There was something wrong with their relationship from the moment it stared. Just five days ago, Austin was hassling Ally about being music partners just because he heard her play piano. It didn't seem right then, and it still doesn't seem right now." Trish replied with certainty. She had even convinced herself she was right. Austin wasn't the kind of person to just go along and offer friendship, and Ally was no exception to the mix.

"You're right." Dez replied with a small smile before returning to his state of paying attention to the class. He still felt his mind wondering as he wrote down the notes. He felt that Ally was completely broken up about this. He didn't like being part of the reason as to why they were over. It still seemed weird that it was so easy for them to pick up on something to use against him. If Austin was really trying to cover up their relationship, if he was using her, his friends would have known about it. Come to think of it, they would have put him up to it. This didn't add up at all.

Austin crossed his arms over his chest as he sat back in his seat. He threw his legs out in front of himself, as well. He didn't want to be in here. He almost left the second he knew Ally was mad at him. He was getting tired of this back and forth with her. He did care about her, which was bad in itself. He was going to use her, and leave. He had to drill that into his head. But now he had to win her back. He had to win her over for a second time. But first, he had to figure out where he went wrong. How had she come to think of those things? He had never once called her a nerd, or said she was helping him with classes. The only class they had together was this one, and music, which was next hour. He didn't need help in either class, so where had she come up with it?

Austin's face fell as the light bulb lit up in his head. He had said those things to Dallas. He had told Dallas those things so he wouldn't spread rumors of them hooking up on the roof. He knew that the rumors would rip Ally apart. He was doing her a favor. She must have only heard of the things that were said.

Austin nodded to himself as he drew up his plan. He would somehow get Ally to talk with him. It shouldn't be that hard, he's done it before against all odds. If he tried hard enough, he could usually win her over. Then, he would explain the situation. How Dallas was going tell the whole school lies. Lies about her. Lies that she would never be able to take.

Ally let her chin rest on her desk as she watched the clock sitting center stage above the board. It seemed silly to place a clock there. Everyone knows if you watch a clock, time moves slower. Or at least seems to. Ally sighed and sat up as Austin slipped a note across her desk. She rolled her eyes and pushed it forward, as far away as it could be without it falling off he desk. Austin smiled slightly at her stubbornness. Ally frowned as he took the note back and wrote something else out on the outside of the folded paper. Her two best friends were apparently not the only ones that enjoyed passing notes during class. Austin smiled up at her as he shoved the note her way once more. Ally refrained from reading what was written before her, letting the note slip over to Austin once again. Austin held back a laugh as he reached over and grabbed onto Ally's right hand. She stiffened as Austin calmly slipped the note into her hand. Closing her palm around the small piece of paper. Ally wanted to smile over at her partner. But she was mad at him, as well. She couldn't show him that he was winning her back. Trish was right. Dez was right. They were all right about him. Austin Moon was not friendship material.

Ally sighed as Austin watched her closely. Waiting for her to open his note. Ally finally threw caution to the wind as the opened her hand to read what was written on the outside. It couldn't hurt, could it? She shook her head and bit her lip to keep from smiling.

~Come on. Don't you trust me?~

Ally finally let a small smile grace her lips as she reminisced in their time at lunch.

~No, I don't. :P~

Ally wrote back with a sly smile. Austin snatched the note out of her hands as she held it out to him. He found himself smiling back at Ally's note. He rolled his eyes and drew an arrow pointing to the inside.

~Read the inside. I had something to tell you.~

Austin wrote back. Ally swiftly picked up the note off her desk as Austin set it down. He watched as the songwriter opened the note carefully, glancing from side to side, making sure the two would not be caught. She spread the note out on her desk before glancing down to it.

~Can we talk after class? I have some explaining to do.~

Ally felt the sadness at the things Austin had said take her back over. She thought they were better friends than that.

~I don't know.~

Ally wrote down simply before sliding the note forward. Austin turned it and read the three words written in front of him. He had hoped she would give him a chance.


He wrote back hopefully. He slid the note back to her and watched as she thought it through. She nodded to herself before she wrote back.

~I don't think so. I'm sorry.~

Austin's face fell as he read over the note. The bell rang through the classroom as Ally piled her things together. Austin walked out into the hallway and waited for his songwriter. Many of his followers past by him, but Austin barely spared them a glance. His fame was on the line. He couldn't lose Ally when they were already so close. He knew for a fact they had something more special than anyone could ever dream of. Soon enough, she walked out into the hallway, holding a worn, brown leather book with a simple A on the cover. Austin reached out and caught her by the arm, pulling her into a nearby janitor's closet. Ally stomped her foot in aggravation as she waited for Austin's reasoning as to why she was in here with him.

"Ally, you have to give me a chance." Austin pleaded. He reached out for her hand, only for her to take a step back.

"No, what you said about me was irreversible." Ally scoffed as she leaned against the wall. Austin sighed and racked his brain as to why she should give him a chance. Why he absolutely had to explain.

"Please?" He asked again, not able to come up with anything better. Ally felt herself smile at his persistence. He wasn't giving up.

"Why should I?" Ally asked as she took a breath. He smiled.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance."


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