
Around five thirtyish this afternoon, I had to decide what to wear. Ryan texted and he said to 'dress casual'

I can do that, because I don't do girly or fancy stuff.

I decided with a simple dress, a jean jacket to wear over it, a beanie and cute brown boots

I decided with a simple dress, a jean jacket to wear over it, a beanie and cute brown boots

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Cute, simple and casual. My style of girly if I had to be one.

I laid it out on my bed, and went to take a shower. No, I didn't take one this morning, it's Saturday, I don't do morning showers on weekends.

I went to the bathroom, took of my clothes and started the shower.

While I waited for it to warm up, I paced around, nervously.

What if this goes wrong and a stupid monster attacks?

What if he doesn't like what I'm wearing?

What if things are awkward, and just plain weird?

Why am I pacing around naked? I shook my head, confused.

"Just relax, Veronica, don't stress, and you will be fine. I breathed, and stepped into the nice hot, shower.

I ain't telling you what's happening in here, it's my damn business.

After my shower was over it was close to six. I put on my robe and went back to my room. I closed my door, and locked it.

I grabbed my towel and dried it the best I could. My blow dryer broke, because somebody, who is my sister, dropped it in the toilet, when she was blow drying her own hair. Well she was trying, she burned herself three times.

Anyway, back to reality, I sat at my vanity, and decided to wear little makeup, like always. I usually wear lipgloss and mascara and that's it's.

This time, I put on a little more then usual, I put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. First time putting on eyeliner and I nailed it.

I decided against perfume, because if I smelt good then that would take away Ryan's glorious smell.

I stood up from my vanity and sat on my bed, contemplating life.

How did I get so lucky, to get a guy like Ryan? Sweet, caring, protective, funny, a little bit awkward I guess, and very handsome.

I looked at my digital clock and it was 6:30.

One hour till he gets here.

Not From Your World(Mech-X4: Season 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя