two; beast in a bank

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I made a trailer :) check it out above!
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A cool winter wind blew as Hester made her way through the crowded streets of New York. She had stopped at a local café to grab a cappuccino, which immediately ceased her chills as the warm liquid slid down her throat.

Despite still being quite early in the morning, the streets were filled with life- horns on cars honked, people chattered to each other, and pigeons cooed as they flew through the sky.

Draped on Hester's shoulder was a purse; in it was everything she could imagine she would possibly need while in the city. She had stuffed the stack of files inside, as well, just in case she came across one of the names that he had given her.

She didn't know where she was going, as she was just a mere tourist in the midst of one of the largest cities in the world. She was just blindly wandering around, hoping that she would be able to find her way back to the hotel when she needed to.

A few minutes later, her cappuccino almost gone, Hester came across a fairly large crowd gathered in front of a large bank. A woman stood near the front of the crowd, pale-skinned and dark-haired. Behind her was a banner with a sort of emblem on it- a broken wand held over a red fire.

Hester couldn't help but feel a bit sick at the sight of the gathering. Although she couldn't ignore the fact that she recognized the woman standing at the front of the crowd, preaching about modern technology.

Opening her purse, Hester began to rummage through the stack of files until she came across the unmistakable pale face. She pulled it out slightly, attempting to read the information written on it without drawing attention to herself.

Full Name: Mary Lou Barebone

Birthday: 1880

Nationality: American

Affliction: New Salem Philanthropic Society


Realizing that the empty spot was for her to fill out, Hester felt as if she had just hit a gold mine. What better way to gather information about the crazed woman than in the midst of one of her 'New Salem' gatherings?

Grabbing a notepad out of her purse- as she didn't want to collect information straight on to the file, since that would be rather obvious- Hester quickly pushed her way through the crowd, getting close enough to the pale woman so she could hear her speak.

She quickly jotted down notes as she listened to Mary Lou Barebone speak, scoffing each time she mentioned something Hester found ridiculous. Though she suddenly stopped, and mentally scolded herself for being so close to the front of the crowd, when the woman pointed her out.

"You there, friend!" Mary Lou called out, pointing her long finger right towards Hester. Every face in the crowd turned to look at her, making the young witch feel claustrophobic. "What drew you here today?"

Hester looked at the strange woman in the eyes, and answered confidently, "I've heard of your group, ma'am, and I was interested in what you had to say."

If there was one thing about herself that Hester Griffin was proud of, it was the fact that she was an extraordinary liar. Though, at the same time, she felt somewhat ashamed of it.

Seeming happy with her answer, Mary Lou Barebone smiled a creepy grin. "You've come to the right place, friend," she responded, raising her arms around her as she gestured to the group of gatherers. "Do you like what you've heard so far?"

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