Carcere Forest - Part 1

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The moonlight drifting through the trees represents the change of snow-fall to bright-leaf. It glistens on the forest floor as many of the green skinned, cold-blooded, lizard like Puer's, scramble around the my legs, looking for scraps of food to feed their newly hatched young. I strain my eyes to see a hatchling, shedding of its pale white fur, to reveal its leaf green coat of camouflaging scales. Now it is has reached its adulthood, and is ready to roam the wilderness. Standing to my feet, hunting bow strung over my back, I freeze as two small streams of different shades of blood start trickling out of the now adult Puer. Steam emits from the right one, and the left side gives off a cold feel to it as it freshly feels the forest's bed for the first time in the hatchling's existence. The rest of the cold blood expels the remaining warm blood out of its territory, and starts turning the Puer into the creature it was born to be.

I turn my head from the creature as its family swarm over to congratulate it, and start my trek out of the abandoned part of Mater Terra. Sound waves strike my ears and in response, I crouch down suddenly behind a oversized log. A pair of fully armed soldiers walk by, their forked tongues darting in and out of they human-like mouth, in their striking forest green armour. Hoping their senses cant penetrate the shield like Protegat berry juice, which blocks the senses of the Virdi. This would allowing the holder to sneak past the oblivious victim. I wait a vital few minutes and then raise my head. Seeing my seekers have past, I slide my bow and quiver into a thin cracking in the log, as well as my white Puer furred vest. Sneaking over the log I head in the direction of Rex Saltus.

As the great king looms over the forest, I focus on the guards positions and whereabouts. My possible entries into giant are heavily guarded, and can be viewed from one of my favourite stone trees. Struggling to find a possible way through the great strategic positions of the guards, ordered into those positions by me. A single idea glows in the numerous ideas in my mind. I automatically putting to the test of my mind and hop down from the tree in a single bound, ready for action. Bending down low, I skim around the southern side of Rex Saltus. I quickly, but carefully, pull the common Viridi hood over my straight brown hair, with a few vivid stripes of pure green. I silently walk across the main Viridi path towards the entrance of a great cavern inside the magnificent tree. Surrounding it is many of the lords professional guards, well trained in the art of killing. Suddenly a heavy gauntlet grips my shoulder and jerk me to face them. The glint of green eyes glare at me from beneath a forest green helmet. Pushing me forwards, two more guards join my captor, and escort me into Rex Saltus.

We walk through the magnificent entrance carved inside the trunk of the great Rex Saltus. A man in a long draping robe decorated with great green trees, and victories beast in battle enters the room. His forked tongue flickers continuously, and a worried expression appears on his thin green eyed face. He suddenly sprints towards with arms outstretched. His body rams into mine like a Arietem into its contestant, pushing all the air out my lungs. "where have been my love," he sobs into my shoulder, "I've been worried sick, just imagine if you had tripped, or something had happened to you."

Pushing the sobbing man off my body, "but nothing happened to me father, please, you worry to much."

Suddenly the tears turn to steam in anger, and his expression turns sour, "didn't I tell you not travel out after dark."

"Yes but..."

"There's no excuse, you are confined to your room for seven suns."

"father no!" I raise my hand but gauntlets grip me by the arms.

"Guards, get her out of my sight!"

The soldier digging their metal fingers into me and drag me out a portal of wood with extreme strength, out of the king of the Viridi's sight. 

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