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Bring Us Down.

•A week Later...

The wind blew as Bryce's blue eyes stared up at the colorful sky. His pupils retracted, mouth slightly agape, and his breaths short. He finally tore his gaze away from it and looked down to the playground in front of him as children played with no idea how dangerous the world could be. A girl with brown hair bounced up and down as her mother held her tiny hands while grinning. She reminded him so much of Lily...

A sigh escaped his lips as he rested his chin in his palm and stared at the child who was now rushing up the green stairs. Suddenly a figure blocked his gaze and he tore it away from the now blocked spot to the figures face. It was no stranger, it was Smitty. He couldn't believe out of all the places to find him it was here at a children's playground–then again...why was he himself even here?

"Heyy Bryce." He greeted, taking a seat next to him with a small smile. "How ya doing?" The said male stayed silent as he stared blankly out at the children playing around the playground. He couldn't speak. "Look Bryce I am so sorry for your loss man..but you can't keep tearing yourself down for it. It wasn't your fault or Ryan's for that matter..yet you two keep tearing yourselves down."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean look at you guys. You're not getting enough sleep and you're not eating correctly while Ryan went back to his same old ways. This case is tearing you two apart! Listen, my boss closed that case two days ago but your husband refuses to listen. He's working over time and smoking way more than he should.." Smitty sighed out as he leaned back on the bench, the blondes eyes never left the man as he spoke. He knew he couldn't disagree that this case had brought them down in a ball of flames and sorrow. Everyone knew it. "Just–Michelle and Krism were talking about you guys coming over tonight so don't ruin it for them. You know how they're getting a child soon.."

"I know.."


Bryce fixed his husband's tie and gave a faint smile as he looked into the coated hazel eyes. He can remember when they first met and how badly they couldn't stand one another but over the time and things they'd been through they learned to grow on each other and honestly he wouldn't change it for the world. Part of him wished he could go back and change the choices he's made, especially stealing that journal. Then the thought of Ryan and Lily come to mind and he scratches it out.

"You look great." Bryce hummed as his husband said that to him. He allowed the older male to embrace him in a sweet hug and they began to slowly rock side to side, a smile formed on his lips. "You do too." Bryce finally said as he looked up with the same faint smile he had been wearing since he got the compliment.

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