"Roman you better get your wife before she's dead" I said to him.

"No do it" he said.

"Oh please what's she going to do to me" she said right before she was tackled to the ground by me.

I threw punches at her face before I grabbed her hair but all of a sudden I felt an extension of her hair in my hand. I swung it around before tossing it to the side.

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Whoops" I said

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Whoops" I said.

"Damn" I heard Roman mutter under his breath.

"Girl how did you do that" Dean asked.

Before I could answer I felt Galina grab my hair before she realized it's real.

"Girl bye" I said before punching her in the face knocking her out.

Roman chuckled before picking Galina up.

"Randy Orton" Jade yelled before fainting.

Luckily I was there to catch her.

He walked up to us and noticed Jade.

I noticed there was a medal bar over us so I screamed in her ear

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I noticed there was a medal bar over us so I screamed in her ear.

"Omg Jade Randy is shirtless and he's looking for you" I screamed.

"What where" she said waking up before she hit her head on the bar.

"Ow you bitch" she said rubbing her forehead.

"How am I a female dog, I think that's more Galina" I said.

Dean, Seth, and Randy started laughing. Roman joined in while Asia and Joelle looked confused.

"But thank you for the compliment that's really sweet of you" I said.

All of the guys stopped laughing and looked confused. Dean just looked constipated.

"A bitch is a female dog, a dog barks, bark is on a tree, a tree grows in nature, and nature is beautiful, so I'm beautiful" I explained before Jade started laughing.

"Omg Dean your face" she said in between laughs.

"What are you talking about" he asked before Roman, Randy, and Seth started laughing.

"Dude why do you look constipated" Seth asked between laughs.

Asia and Joelle walked up to me and Joelle hugged me.

"Joelle sweetie what happened to your arm" Roman asked.

"Woah" Jade said looking at Joelle's arm.

"I uh fell" she stuttered.

"Joelle sweetie would you tell me the truth if I take you to your daddy's locker room" I asked her.

She nodded her head, "only if Asia gets to come" she said.

"Deal" I said before Dean tossed me some keys to the shield locker room.

"Do you know where it is" I asked her.

"Yes I do" she said before grabbing my hand and pulling me and Asia down a hallway.

We came to a stop in front of a door that said the shield before I unlocked the door and we walked in.

We sat down on the couch and Joelle started crying.

"Mommy hits me but always puts makeup on my face to cover my bruises.

"Can we see them" I asked.

She nodded her head before I got a makeup wipe from my purse and gently rubbed the makeup off her face.

Asia gasped before hiding her head in my side.

"Joelle why did you never tell anyone especially your daddy" I asked.

"Well mommy always said that if I do she will hurt me even more" she said.

"You know your daddy loves you but he will be hurt that you never told him" I said.

"No I'm actually hurt that Galina will do that to her own daughter" Roman said.

"I didn't do that" Galina said finally waking up.

"Joelle did she really do that" Roman asked.

"Yes" Joelle whispered before she hugged me.

"I believe Joelle, Roman" I said.

"I'm trying to believe her" he said before Galina kissed his neck.

"Never mind, Joelle why did you lie to me" Roman moaned.

"Really Roman, she has you in a trap" I yelled.

Joelle started crying before I grabbed her hand along with Asia and pulled them out of the locker room with me.

I punched a wall before Joelle cried even more.

"What happened" Dean asked.

"Roman fell for Galina's trap" I said.

Asia hugged Joelle before Dean wrapped the both of them in a hug.

I smiled at them before Dean pulled me into the hug.

"Ugh Roman" I heard Galina moan.

"Can we walk away from that" I asked Dean.

"Hell yeah" he said before we ran away from their locker room.

"That's just gross" I said.

"Imagine having to walk in on that" Dean said.

"Ew" I said.

Dean laughed at my grossed out face before he started leaning in. I looked into his perfect blue eyes before he pressed his lips against mine.

A/N: I know this a Roman Reigns/Sasha Banks story but their relationship will come later on in the story.

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