When Love Comes Knocking!

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My thoughts were in a haywire,
My heart was on burnin' fire!
I couldn't find any restraint in me,
No blocks, no coping mechanisms ;
There never was a feeling as greater as this one:
The sparks igniting a furious thunderbolt,
That flew with me, through every inch of my skin;
Making goosebumps arrive every which way!
I could not realise how dangerous the path was ;
In which I so easily had been treading.
It wasn't a dream, as I first imagined it to be:
No, it can't be;
Coz' it's way too real to be dreamt of!
No one had bothered to make me smile,
None had cared enough to scold me when I did wrong!
Never had I felt so cared upon,
No, it had never been this way!
Before you came along.
To sing me the most beautiful song;
To  put together the ripped pieces of my shattered heart;
To let my dreams take a new enhanced shape;
To anchor me during the hurricane,
To teach me to live in the moment,
To give me those few priceless fun moments,
We built together our own little castle;
You made me the queen, but treated like its princess!
Loved me enough to have the right to scold me like a father!
I felt such a pride knowing that you cared,
That someone was there,
Whom I can fall back on,
We had silly arguments,
On matters that not even made sense!
But we did it anyways;
As Logan would say, " You wouldn't know this"
You all really wouldn't know this!
Maybe those who found their true love would
But not the others, surely not the others!
I experienced a feeling of Déjà vu;
As I never was the one believing in love!
And he shouted it in my face,
Proving me so very wrong in the middle of my pace!
This emotion wreaks havoc in my mind!
I couldn't seem to fathom the idea of being trapped in this cage,
But the mighty laughs that come with it makes that so very worth it!
You became my muse,
The caretaker of my heart,
My Knight in Shining armor;
I gave you my all,
Trusted you enough to make this giant fall.
You caught me on the other side,
Never let me touch the ground.
I was happy, not for finding prince charming,
But for finding myself a person next to my father,
Nobody can love a girl as best as her father,
And if you found a guy that's similar to him,
You know that he's the only one for you
No matter what,
Never let go.
Gold never strikes twice at the same door,
You don't find two pearls from the same oyster,
So grab it when you spot one!
Guess what, you just won the treasure,
Now all you get in return is true pleasure!

Ok... This one just popped up some how... Do not know the reason I'm up at this hour of the night,
But sleep has deprived me of its grace tonight.... Anyways you peeps got an update today! And before you even ask about this mystery guy, lemme clear,its just my imagination guys!
A girl can keep dreaming... Am I ryt O am I ryt??

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Until next time,

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