This Again

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Pic of Demetri >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Life sucks, and then you die.

"Dad seriously, do I really have to do that stupid "find your mate" thing, again." I said tiredly

"Yes, you do son, its tradition" my dad, King O'Bryan said in a voice that means "end of discussion"

I stormed off, why is it that I never can catch a break I mean first I have to find a mate and then I have to find her by the winter solstice or I have to marry a fae Princess. (Fae=faery just shortened) When I ask why he just says "to unite the kingdoms". If I have to marry the princess why do I have to go through the portal? All I get as an answer is "its tradition". This further proves he doesn't actually believe all this crap.

"Sweetheart, the portal opens in 3 minutes" my mom Queen Arianna said to me.

"Mom, please don't make me go" I begged her for the 15th time

"It won't be so bad you'll see, Shadow valley is a amazing place" she said excitedly

"Sure, that's why it's called Shadow valley" I murmured

"Demetri Hunter, if you don't get your butt over to this portal I promise you will regret it" my dad said threateningly.

"Okay, okay don't get your panties in a twist" I yelled at him

"You'll be fine, sweetheart" my mom said kissing my forehead

"PORTAL WILL BE OPENING IN 10- 9-8- 7 -6-5-4-3-2-1"

I ran and jumped through the portal; I became nothing but air, wind passing through field of colors moving faster than the speed of light. Then suddenly there was no light I was falling, falling into the endless void of darkness. Soon I hit something solid and wet. The ground of an alley. I'd know that smell anywhere, even in a different world. I looked around and saw what looked to be 3 kids. A guy and 2 girls running down the alley, towards me. They seem to be whispering, somebody was growing increasingly anxious. They were quite far away and even with my super hearing I only heard bits and pieces. All I heard was:

"Don't be such a wuss"

"I am not a wuss"

"Not stupid"

"Scaredy cat"

"If we are going to hunt a vampire we need to be quite"

Hunt a vampire. Have these humans lost minds.

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