
"Maylyn." I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I swivel around and am met with a pair of dark blue eyes staring at me. "Yes, Four?"

"Zeke told me you agreed, follow me." I follow Four from the cafeteria to the training arena. Four leads me to a table that has a few knives and two guns on it.

"Now, as you can probably tell, I will be training you for this mission. I am a trainer, Zeke is not. I want to assure this will go off without a hitch and no one will die. Which weapon do you feel most comfortable with, a knife or a gun?"

"Neither. I have had zero practice with both." I inform him, Four looks a little agitated by this answer but quickly focuses.

"That's fine, let's start with a gun. You are from Erudite, you should have some type of knowledge on how to handle weapons appropriately, correct?" I nod my head and he continues, "I want you to pick up the gun and aim it at the target but do not shoot."

I do as instructed and Four quickly fixes my stance. "Always try for good form when shooting. In tense situations, it may be harder to do this but it is pretty crucial to hitting the target. Now watch as I load and unload the gun."

Four takes the gun from me and pops out the cartridge. Four tells me what he is doing as he is doing it. He then positions himself in front of the target. Boom, boom, boom. The sound of the gun going off is enough to make my ear ring.

"When you take the right stance, scope in the target, and shoot. You should always hit the target."

I look where his shots landed on the target and realize there is one hole, the bullseye.

"I have to admit, that is impressive. How did you learn to shoot a gun?"

"Through a lot of training." Four curtly answers, "Your turn, I want you to offload all the bullets."

I hesitate before taking the stance I was shown. I try to line up my shot but do not understand how to make it align with the target.

"Close your left eye," Four instructs. "Then with your right eye line up the two white lines with the red dot in the center, then shot."

I do exactly what I am told to with lining my shot up and proceed to fire all six rounds. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. I jolt a little with the first two but soon get a firmer grip on the handle of the firearm.

Shooting a gun makes me feel powerful and gives me a sense of total control. This is a weird sensation.

Four grabs the paper and shows me exactly where I hit. Five out of the six actually hit the target but none of the shots landed in the same spot. There is one bullet hole in the forehead, another to the left side of the mouth, and the other three came close to hitting the center of the target.

"Did you even watch me as I shot?" I remain silent. "Are you incompetent as well?"

Is he purposely trying to anger me?

"No, I am not incompetent. I am trying, show me again. I will get it this time."

"Reload your gun. You do know how to do that, right?" Four taunts me and I respond with an eye roll.

I walk over the barrel of gun shells and count out six of them. I slowly reload the magazine while maintaining eye contact with Four. I smirk as I see him get a little aggravated.

Four replaces the target paper and reloads his gun. "Show me how it is done, Four."

"Always keep your arms out straight, do not lock your elbows, shoulders squared, scope in the target, and shoot." Four starts shooting off round after round. All six once again went through the same hole. "Do not let the recoil mess up your aim."

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