t w o

210 23 3

t a y l o r

"Creeper." I mumbled walking away. I sat down, resting my feet on the ground.

I felt sleepy, sleeping away.

h a r r y

Oh, look at little miss dry legs. Sleeping.

She actually looks pretty, but those legs are killer. If my friend has killer eyebrows, she has killer legs, not in a good way. I crept away and the plane had slight shaking, and then turbulence. I jumped and landed right on to Taylor. Oh sh!t.

Taylor struggle to get off me and jolts right up, shocked at the scene and blushes like a tomato. "Oh fvk." I said. Getting up, and running back to the boys.

t a y l o r

Well, that was embarrassing as hell. I dusted off the invisible dust, because I wanted to look cool. Apparently that doesn't work. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Looking at how messed up I am.

My bun is a mess, there's stands of hair sticking to my forehead, and how can i forget about my legs?

I shut down my phone sighing. I got up and prepared for land off.

I was staying in a hotel which I think is pretty sweet, but the sad part is I get to stay with the Only Direction. Or one. I don't know.

I stood by the airplane door. Smiling, finally I get to rest. I just need peace in the hotel.



And peace.

But then again, the boys.

"OH MY GOD!" Someone screamed. Immediately, I ran to the source of voice.

Panting, I looked at the boys who were looking at the windows. "THE VIEW IS SO AMAZING!"

Oh really. You know what's a good sight? Me throwing you off this plane.

God, these boys are annoying as heck.

Can the trip to the hotel get any worse?


written by : mxsaichearts
edited and published by : -inverse

Keziah_wonderstuck update soon bae, the readers are getting impatient, actually scratch that, im getting impatient because im also reading this. I know im weird lol.

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