"That's Lillian Larsen." Vilde explained quite vaguely, staring at the girl in awe.

"Well she's damn right gorgeous." Eva gushed, eyes travelling from the Larsen girl back to the group.

"Why is she with all the penetrators?" Noora simply asked, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion.

"Because her brother is Alexander Larsen, probably the biggest fuckboy in the school, even tops William. He's really overprotective of her because he dosen't want any of the boys to play her but she goes to every single party they have." Chris explained, tongue licking the spoon from her yoghurt as she stared at the Larsen boy.

"We need her on our Russ buss." Sana stated, eyes also looking over at the tanned girl.

"How are we going to do that? She's best friends with Ingrid." Eva explained, fingers playing with the tips of her hair as she scanned over the group.

"Simple, we just ask." Noora exclaimed, before any of the girls could object she was gone, and a girl on a mission.


I has walked three steps in the direction of the new Russ buss before I was stopped by a very pretty blonde girl.

She's probably slept with my brother.

"Hi, I'm Noora, I was just wondering-" The girl began, an effortless smile that I found myself jealous off, tugging at her lips.

"Look if you're here because you slept with my brother and he isn't calling you back, I'm sorry but I can't help you." I explained with a bored expression, looking down at m nails as I played with my hair.

The girl looked slightly speechless before she started laughing, my own eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"No, I'm not talking to you because of your brother, I'm here because I thought I'd try and make a friend." The blonde girl, Noora explained, making me laugh as well as I nodded.

"Yeah I'll be your friend, sorry if I seemed a bit cold, I promise I'm not like that it's just that you have no idea how many times that happens to me a day." I slightly ranted, a smile on my lips as I walked with the girl.

It already felt better to have a friend away from Alex.

"What girls come up to you often?" Noora asked, seeming genuinely intrigued which I liked.

"You have no idea, they always ask me to just convince Alex to call them back but I never do, I know it sounds harsh but it's just a hookup that's all, so get over it." I explain with a laugh, finding myself smiling when Noora laughed too.

We stopped when we reached her Russ buss, a small smile coming over my lips when I recognised them all.

"Eva, Vilde, Chris and Sana," I began pointing at each girl who all seemed equally surprised that I knew their names. "You're the girls that started their own Russ buss right?" I asked rhetorically, of course I knew.

"Ye, how do you know our names?" Vilde asked, an innocent demenor surrounding her with made me smile slightly.

"Oh honey, I know everything." I stated matter of factly, smirking at the end.

I looked back at Alex who seemed oblivious to my whereabouts as he laughed with Chris before turning back to my new friends.

"I'd like to join your Russ buss."

My statement clearly shocked all the girls as they stood there with wide eyes, thankfully Eva snapped out of it, nodding furiously as she nervously played with her hair.

"Great," I clasped my hands together, a devilish grin forming on my face.

"Now who wants to go to a penetrator party?"


So that was chapter 2, how did you guys like it. There isn't much Chris until chapter 4 so be warned and be patient.

Do you like Lilly's character?

Comment down below.

Until next time.

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