Chapter 2: Phone Number

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    I woke up to a throbbing headache. I swung my legs over the bed and I hobbled out to my en suite bathroom. I flung cabinets opening searching for some advil. No luck though. I went down the hall to the guess bath and rummaged through the medicine cabinet. I found what I was looking for and tapped several pilled out of the bottle. I put it back in the cabinet and dry swallowed the pills. I turned out of the bathroom to see Kimi’s door cracked. I peaked in sheepishly. He wasn’t in the room. The covers were crumpled up and an bottle of liquor sat on the side table.

    I crept into the room. An iphone lay on the table next to the empty bottle of vodka. I picked up the phone and held it in my hands examining it. I don’t know why I came into the room or felt compelled to snoop. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. My finger hovered over the home button, but I couldn’t press it. I couldn’t snoop. As I went to lay the phone down, someone grabbed  me and shoved me up against the wall I groaned in pain and opened my eyes to see Kimi sandwiching me between him and the wall. His blue eyes were fiery with anger.

    “What are you doing?” he yelled.

    “Sorry I thought you were gone. I thought you had left it behind.” I covered myself quickly. His body was pressed hard against mine. He had too look down at me because of my petite stature. Once again I was intoxicated by his cologne.

    “Please forgive me. It was a mistake.” I whispered with tears in my eyes. He grunted and released me from his grip. Quickly he grabbed his phone and hid it away in his jeans pocket.

    “sorry.” I mumbled one last time as I made my way to the door.

    “How bad is your hangover?”

    “What?” I turned back to him, not fully comprehending the question.

    “How bad is your hangover?” he repeated slowly, making fun of me now.

    “Bad.” I grinned. Ignoring his insult on my intelligence.

    “Sorry, Heidi.” his accent was thick. I liked the way he said my name. Maybe some of the alcohol from last night has still running through me or maybe I was just stupid but courage suddenly struck me to ask him to say my name again.

    “Say it again.” I prodded.

    “What?” now the Finn was confused.

    “My name. I liked the way you say my name.” I stepped back into the room. He shook his head at me. I frowned and turned back to leave.

    “Heidi.” he said trying to not use his accent, but it still came out thick and Finnish. “Heidi.” he repeated several more times slowly, and deliberately thinking hard each time he said it.

    “Incredible.” I whispered

    Later that day the drivers had left to prepare for their first race and I was packing. I couldn’t believe I would be at every F1 race this year. Naturally I proceeded to pack almost every article of clothing I owned. Once I was finally packed, I loaded up on my grandfathers private jet and we were off to Australia.

    I stepped out into the paddock. It was extremely hot and I was wishing it was possible to wear less clothes. The black dress that I had chosen only absorbed the heat. I pushed my sunglasses down on my face and headed for the Ferrari garage. When I got there Fernando so my immediately and rushed over. He gave me a kiss on each cheek.

    “Nando.” I smiled, happy to see someone I knew. I hated being in crowds of people.

    “Sweet Heidi. How do you like it so far?” He asked keeping one arm wrapped around my waist.

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