Chance....Chapter #2

Start from the beginning

I stand up and began to walk, for I know it will not be long before Vixen gets closer. Ag-lea trails behind me every once in a while trying to spark up a new conversation. Each time I blow it off with a short and UN detailed answer...hoping maybe she will realize I'm not in the mood. 

"Chance, I know the woman who owns a cabin not far from here, we can sleep there for the night..." she  says. I stop suddenly and look at my pocket watch, "wow, we have been walking for quit a while...i didn't even realize.." I say a loud. Ag-lea leads the way, I follow behind her starting to feel the effect of no food, water or resources. When the cabin comes into view I let my body fall to the ground. Ag-lea runs over to me, I'm gasping for air and feel myself falling into a sleep i know I won't wake up from. "Water.." I whisper. Ag-lea picks me up and throws me over her shoulder, she runs into the cabin and lays me on the couch. Seconds later she is tilting the cup in front of me, water slips into my mouth and I shut my eyes in relief. 

I stand up and take a deep breath, "Ag-lea i think you have earned yourself an answer..Vixen found out when I was younger, much younger that I could do things humans couldn't.." I say. She gives me a confused look but I brush it off , "I guess I'm just gonna have to show you" I say with a long sigh. I take her hand and lead her outside, 

I shut my eye's and hold my breath. I feel the wind start to pick up and the sky go black, I can hear the tree's swinging rapidly through out the world. I raise my arms up and my body begins to surround itself with white smoke. Suddenly I begin to spin and the next second I am in transition..My black wings shoot out and there is a loud clap of thunder. Lightning is striking all around me, I take another deep breath and swing my hands down causing all of the white smoke to disappear and my body to fall.

When I look at Ag-lea she looks frightened.."What are you a devil!?" she screams. I laugh coldly. "I prefer the name 'dark angel'..." 

That night while we waited for Ag-lea's friend to show up, Ag-lea stayed unusually quiet. My wings were off and I was back to normal so I decided to ask her whats wrong. As soon as my hand touched her arm she flinched. "You remember when you said you were only here to fight and protect me...well, I think its for the  best that you keep your distance. I wouldn't wanna have to hurt you" she says bitterly. I look at her for a second and then look away, she actually thinks she can beat me. Ha. Never.

"Are you challenging me? be careful about this decision" I say disbelieving how rude she was acting. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows, "You know what! I am challenging you. I'm sick of you thinking your better than me!" she screams. I smile, "well, come on! hit me" I say teasingly. She throws her punch and I duck down. She starts huffing angrily. I kick my foot up into the air swiping it across her face, she yelps in pain. I stand there looking at her while she falls down into a bawl crying. I walk over to her and take her by the hair, she screams and I throw her face down over and over until she is bleeding heavily. "Ag-lea don't mess with me anymore. Tomorrow when I leave I want nothing to do with you, I will no longer help you in the strive for vengeance. You no longer deserve my help" I say. She laughs wiping the blood off her forehead. "Perchance, your making a big mistake" she replies. I smile "No dear, I think you just did" I say giving one last forceful kick to her face. She grunts in pain. "Goodbye Ag-lea" and then I walk out of the room grab my bags and leave. 

The air outside is crisp and the wind is powerful, I walk forward and look around. There are no buildings or tree' roads. I turn and just start walking in to the forest. I don't care were it takes me anything is better than here. I keep on walking dragging my luggage behind me, and then I come across a lake. A sudden shock of adrenaline rushes through me as I hear leaves start to crunch. I pull out my sword and position myself in a fighting stance. I hold the sword above my head and my other arm is straight out in front of me with my hand clasp in a arrow position. I look around. A woman appears, she is in her mid twenty's straight red hair and white eye's "Perchance?" she questions. "That's me" I reply. "Where is Ag-lea?" she asks worriedly. "You must be her friend that owns the cabin...she's waiting for you" I say. "What! You mean she is at the cabin" she screams. "Yea why whats wrong?"..."Perchance, that cabin is armed if you go into the living room it triggers a bomb!" she yells. I look at her and take a deep breath "how do I know your not lying?" I ask. She sighs "I'm Ag-lea's mother!". "Impossible! Ag-lea said that her family was killed by the same people that killed my family" I yell. The women smile "wow, your good. I really thought you were gonna fall for that, my name is Cassandra I'm Ag-lea's friend who owns the cabin" she says. I laugh "you were testing me?". She nods "yep, we don't get a lot of folks around here just wanted to insure you were a good one" she replies. I nod my head approvingly.

"I would love to stay and chat but I gotta go" I say. "Wheres Ag-lea?" she asks. I scrunch my eyebrows "I told you she is at your cabin" I say. Cassandra laughs "that's a lie I was just there I came out to get some water..." she says. I put my sword in my bag, "I'm telling you she's at the cabin just keep walking the opposite way and you'll see it" I say. She gasps "Perchance my cabin is right here! That must have been a disposable one!" she screams. I look at were she is pointing and my heart drops there is a cabin almost identical to the one I left Ag-lea at. I start running towards the disposable cabin. "Ag-lea!" I yell loudly as I see the cabin in flames. 

Cassandra follows behind me as I run into the smoke filled cabin. I immediately am oxygen deprived, I put my hand over my mouth and start coughing. I go though the place quickly looking for Ag-lea. The smoke becomes to much and I signal for Cassandra to turn around. She looks at the house sympathetically but starts running to the exit.. When we are standing in front of the disaster I see two smoke covered feet appear..

"Ag-lea is that you!?" I ask. Her thin body appears and she nods her head. I look at her abused figure right as she collapses. "Ag-lea!" I cry out. I throw her body over my shoulder and run to Cassandra's cabin, the mysterious women my my side. The door swings open and a large living area appears, I set my friend down on the couch and take a seat while Cassandra tends to Ag-lea's needs. Giving her water and cleaning her cuts. 

An hour passes and Ag-lea starts to wake up "Who did this to you Ag-lea?" I question. She looks at me and the gives me a answer I was dreading

"They're coming for us Chance....all of them"

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