Chance....Chapter #3

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 I stand frozen in place. Petrified by the unthinkable.

If my assumption was correct Ag-lea was trying to tell me that the people who murdered our family's were now after us as well. "Are you sure?" I ask her. Ag-lea's usually fun and crazy face turned stone cold serious. "Perchance, I know its them...look what I found" she replies. I watch her pull a silver bracelet from her skirt pocket, she hands it to me. "What is this?" I question. Her facial expression is sad and broken "It was my mothers...she had it in her hand while she bled out...along with the others" she says. I look at her sympathetically, and then all of a sudden I notice a charm on the bracelet. I began to panic. I pace the room running the picture of my very own mothers charm in my head. Its impossible, how could my mother know hers..??

"Chance. What's wrong?" she asks me worriedly. I look at her my face stricken with fear. "Ag-lea what if it wasn't a coincidence that both of our family's were murdered? What if our mothers knew each other? Think about it. We both lived on the same street, our mothers both have the same bracelet with the exact same charms...what if they were friends. Friends know things, not just about each other, they know secrets" I explain. She begins to panic as well, "Chance, you can't be sure though. You don't know that the bracelets match" she tries calmly to make sense of the situation. I reach into my pocket and pull out my mothers charm bracelet, something I was dreading to do. I compared them side by side. They were the same bracelets and had the same charms....except one. I look at the charm with the letter A engraved on it and then glance at the one with a D engraved. My mothers name was Artemis...."Ag-lea what was your mothers name?" I ask urgently. She looks down "it was Diana..."

I slide my back down the wall and stare at Ag-lea. I switch my vision to the bracelet's and turn the charms over, my mothers charm read...."Stay safe sister. Love, Diana"....Diana's charm read..."Always and forever..sisters. Love, Artemis".

Tears began to blur my vision. "Ag-lea your never gonna believe this.." I say a loud. She scrunches her eye brows "try me". I began to explain about the charms and show her the fronts and backs. By the time I was finished we were hugging each other and crying.  "Chance there is something I have to tell you" she says. I look at her and nod my head. She gets up and throws her arm out, she mumbles words in another language and then the glass coffee table shatters. My eye's go wide. "That means that if me and you have powers so did our parents...which is why they were killed" I say. "Chance, if your right about that then there are still two questions we have left to answer. Why are we still alive?and Why did they kill your brother?" she replies. I take a moment to think. "What if they needed two people (us) to put the blame on. We were the only ones that knew what happened not only by seeing it but by hearing it. They figured the daughters will be locked up and won't be able to do any damage...they needed to kill my brother because he had powers to. I didn't tell you but me and my brothers were twins, both of us are dark angels" I say. She smiles. I glance at her slightly confused,

"Chance. When I was younger, my mom buried a box with pictures of her and her family in the back yard. If we were to get that box-" I finished her sentence "we could prove we were Innocent and we wouldn't have to run anymore. Not to mention-" she finished the sentence "we would also figure out who did this". 

It was done, me and my cousin were now in this for the long run. Our first step, get the box. 

"I can help with that" Cassandra's voice echo's through the cabin. "Chance, this is Cassandra. Her 'talent' is reading minds..." Ag-lea says. I smile "we've met". 

"So...Chance, I like your plan" she says. I laugh "it wasn't a plan". Ag-lea looks at us with a puzzled expression, before I can explain Cassandra begins to boom with enthusiasm "Chance says the first step is to get the box! I know how you can get to the box with little to no problems" she says. Me and Ag-lea smile, "how?" we say in almost the exact time. "Instead of you guys trying to sneak around without being seen, how about you try and be seen. I mean like you get a 'reputation'" she says moving her fingers in the air on the word reputation. I try and summarize what she just said "So, instead of us sneaking around being careful not to be seen. We go and do something that will make sure people know too stay out of our way?". Cassandra nods. "That's great! but what is the thing we do to get a 'reputation'?" Ag-lea cuts in. I look at Cassandra waiting for an answer. 

She smiles, "I'm gonna give you a makeover,  but first I wanna know..Ag-lea why did you find Chance?" she asks. I glance at Ag-lea slightly interested in her answer, "Me and Perchance were accused of the same crime. I figured If I could get her out we could find the people who killed our family's we could get revenge,.... and I only know spells...Perchance is a fighter" she says. Cassandra gasps, I look at Ag-lea confused until Cassandra begins to speak "You wouldn't happen to be Perchance Liliana Hercules? would you?" she asks. I almost collapse. "That's me" I whisper. She gets up and backs away, "you are the underground fighter! You are one of the most deadly dark angels in the world...." she screams.I laugh, "used to be" I say ashamed. "What do you mean?" she questions. I look at her "I used to think I was the best, until I challenged my teacher....he won" I say. She looks at me sympathetically, "I'm gonna give you and Ag-lea makeovers...and I'm gonna make sure everybody's knows your the underground fighter. Ag-lea I have known you for 19 years and you deserve the revenge you strive for...lets get started" she says. I breath in.

Me and Ag-lea have a seat in the design room located at the back of the cabin, I can tell were both pretty nervous about the makeover but still willing to do it. The door swings open causing the knob to  create a hole in the wall. "Ag-lea, your name from now on is the Demeter. Perchance , you are Hera. These are powerful Greek names. Make sure you carry them proudly" she exclaims. I smile wide, it was an honor to have such gracefully provided names. It was also our worst nightmare. Me and Ag-lea would know our names but others would know us as Demeter, and Hera powerful goddesses that are making room for vengeance. 

"Chance!" Ag-lea says snapping her fingers in front of my face. I look at her. wow. 

Ag-lea's hair had extensions in it and her makeup was dark and stunning, the outfit she had on was like a suite of weapons. The leather jacket was strapped back and forth with fighting knives, her black pants stood without crease on Ag-lea's figure. Finally she had a sword latched onto her side. I stood up, "You look great!" I exclaim she smiles "Your gonna look good too if you can stop daydreaming enough to let Cassandra work!" she says laughing loudly. I walk over to Cassandra, "sit" she says. I take a seat in the uncomfortable chair and watch her open lots of makeup pallets and turn on hot tools. 

When she is done with the outfit I'm sent to Ag-lea. "Damn Perchance, you look like your about to kill someone with style!" she says. My mouth hangs a gap "did you just curse!" I yell. She smile's shyly "maybe...." she whispers. I laugh. "Look  in the mirror Chance" Cassandra cuts in. I turn around and my eyes go wide, I had on a black leather dress that clung to my body flattering my average figure and a Leather jacket for warmth. The heels I had on were unusually comfortable and easy to walk in. The dress stopped mid thigh exposing my pale white legs. My hair was flat ironed and the makeup was dark..Smokey. I looked dangerous, "were are my weapons?" I ask Cassandra. She laughs "Ag-lea is not a fighter, she would lose in seconds. She needs the weapons, you, your a trained warrior" she says. I shrug my shoulders. "Alright. Come on girls, you need to leave. I made a phone call and your names are being spread throughout the hole country right now, nobody DOESN'T know who you are" she says flashing a devilish smile. I grin, and Ag-lea smirks. 

Its time.

Me and Ag-lea say our goodbye's, waving to Cassandra as the boat pulls out of  the dock.  "Perchance!" I turn around and look at Cassandra, "I want you to know your family was amazing....they were good people" she yells. I try and smile but it comes out more of a frown.."thanks" I whisper. "Chance come on" Ag-lea calls. I turn and walk over to her, "you ready" I ask. She smiles "I am always ready for revenge" her voice says happily. I grin. "me to" and we begin to head to our destination. 

After a couple hours we come to a small town and the first people who take notice of our arrival gasp and run for there lives yelling "Hera and Demeter are here! run!". We laugh. 

"Its funny how scared they are of you....Perchance and Ag-lea" 

We turn around slowly only to find the very thing we both hoped wasn't possible...Ag-lea looks at me with a frightened and stunned expression "it can't be..." she whispers. "hello, Vixen".

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