chapter 10

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Ben woke up to Sally crying

He sat up and looked at Sally who was chained up to the wall

He tried to go over to her until he  realized that he was also chained to the wall

"Sally what the hell is going on" he asked

"I don't *sob* know I just woke up too"

"Don't cry I'll get us outta here I promise"

Suddenly a small t.v. turned on that was near them

On the screen was white faced puppet with red swirls on its cheeks it then spoke

"Hello children my name is jigsaw want to play a game"

"Get us outta here now before I tare your head clean off" yelled Ben

"The air your breathing has poison in it there's an antidote if you can get to it you'll live "

Ben and Sally started laughing

"What's so funny?" Asked jigsaw

"You idiot me and her are already dead" Ben then summoned a fire ball and used it to beat up the chain then he broke it his foot then did the same with Sallys

"How did you do that" asked jigsaw with a little fright in his voice

"We're immortal you idiot then kicked down a door to the next room he saw a man sitting next another door with a pig mask on holding a shotgun

"Sally you do the honors"

"Aww thank you" she then charged at him she got shot but that didn't stop her she jumped the man a threw him to the ground and picked up the shotgun

"Lets play a game" Sally said "how about ring around the rosey"

She began circling the man in a the pig mask who was now standing up

"Ring around the Rosey then him the knee cap he screamed and dropped to one knee

"Pocket full of poseys" then shot his other knee cap still circling him the man screamed again and was now on both knees

"Ashes ashes" then shot his stomach he screamed again and fell to the floor"

Sally stopped circling him and put the gun right above his head
"We all fall down" then blew his brains out

After that Ben and Sally worked together and broke down the other door when they broke it down they saw a man in a wheel chair holding a puppet like the one they saw on the t.v. and the exit Ben summoned fireballs and burned the man to death so much by the time he was done there was nothing left but a charred skeleton

Him and Sally left though the exit then Ben lit the place on fire

After that him Sally began walking away

"Well that was fun but now what do we do" asked Sally

Her and Ben then saw a man dressed in black being chased by Toby and clockwork

Clockwork saw them "guys help us get this guy"

Sally and Ben followed them egar to help 

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