Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

When you think of your favorite story, do you ever think of going to the place that story is in? Do you dream you could be a part of all that magic and mystery? But of all those thoughts have you ever wondered what would happen if you died in that place. Have you wondered who would miss you. If anybody would notice you were gone. Would it be a painful death or would it be a silent one? All these questions were ones I asked upon my arrival in wonderland. I always loved the story until I was the story being told. This is my story. The story of my death in Wonderland and what it caused.

"Jaye! Are you reading that blasted book again?" A voice pierced the bubble of Alice sitting down to tea with the mad hatter.

"No." I said slipping the book under my mattress. "Why would I do that when you have made it clear to me almost a thousand times that I need to get my head out of the clouds and grow up." I stated as I walked down the stairs making it obvious I didn't want to go down.

"There she is. My little sixteen year old. You're growing up too fast on me." She said in a proud voice while holding my chin.

"Mom it really is only my sixteenth birthday. I am not 30 and having my first child." I looked at her almost glaring in annoyance.

"Well sixteen is the age my mother told me to stop reading fantasy books and start to read non-fiction. To prepare my self to become a young women." "I always knew grandmother was full of fraud advice." The words came out beneath my breath. I grabbed a slice of cake got a fork and went out on the garden swing before my mother could say another word.

Out on the swing I finished off the last of the triple chocolate birthday cake. I gazed around at my mothers garden. She worked so hard on this Spring, Summer, Fall, and sometimes on a good Winter day. There were trellises full of honeysuckle that led to a walkway full of every rose that could ever be grown. Beyond that was an orchard with rows and rows of tree after tree.

Off to the right of that were several flower beds full of tulips, daisies, iris, day-lilies, petunias, bluebells, and so much more. We had a vegetable garden full of well pretty much everything. If there was anything my mother was known for it was her prize squashes and pumpkins.

After looking at the back yard I had known so well, I stared at the huge weeping willow we had that extended its branches gracefully to the pond. I spotted a fast white shape dart past the crystal waters into the rose garden. This sure got my attention. Setting down my plate slowly I looked for other signs of movement. Out of the corner of my eyes the shape came again. Slowly I crept closer to the rose garden. To my surprise I found a white rabbit in the most peculiar top hat was cleaning a pocket watch. When I crept closer the rabbit shifted his head. On the hat a card bearing the fraction ten sixths. Shockingly the rabbit turned to me. "Jaye Foster." He tipped the odd hat to me. I now remembered why that hat looked so familiar. It was the Mad Hatters hat on top of the white rabbit's head. I felt like a wind was trying to push me over. The Rabbit spoke again. "Don't just stand there looking like an idiot. You know who I am we are late and you need to be to the Mad Hatters table in ten minutes and traveling through the hole takes a while. Hurry up you're almost like Alice only she didn't know who I was come on."

He grabbed my dress and tugged. After standing in my bewilderment I realized I must not want to keep the Hatter waiting. I followed the rabbit until we came to "The Hole." All I could do was stand there and stare at the vast never ending darkness. "Lights will come on as you fall. Now just close your eyes relax and..." Next all I felt was a shove.

Falling, let me tell you is not fun. At all. Yes lights came on but gravity was pulling me so fast I felt like it was trying to tear me apart limb by limb. Soon the white rabbit passed me without a word. "Why does he get to land first?" I found myself asking but my words were lost above me as I fell faster and faster. Instantly I hit the ground. Rapidly pain and dark caught up with me.

"Ugh my head." I touched a spot that felt like something with a club came and beat me to death. My ribs screamed. In my book it didn't say Alice felt like this. Slowly I got up. Pain seemed to be dripping from everywhere in my body. "Well it's about time." That rabbit tapped his foot against that ground impatiently. "Yeesh I am coming." My reply came out with a bit of effort. "Drink this. Warning it doesn't taste good at all." "Great so I get to be small while drinking something horrid." "Pretty much. Hurry now." I tipped the bottle so the liquid could run down my throat. Yep, the taste was something unworldly. It was sticky and tasted like expired cough syrup.

Coughing I realized I was getting closer and closer to the ground. At this point I wasn't sure I liked this story as much as I thought I did. Finally when I had reached about the size of a grown mans thumb, the rabbit motioned to a door. "You got a key?" He passed a rusted key to me. I pushed the key in and the door slowly creaked open.

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