We already knew that

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Your POV
So right now Himeiko familiar is shouting at Tomoe and me about where Himeiko is. Charlotte just waited for Nanami to come out as she really dont like Aotake's voice. I just ignored him. Then, the door open up to show Nanami and Himeiko (in human form).
"It's done!" Nanami said while the door magically opened. That caught all four of us the attention. Aotake yells in terror while asking,
"How does it look?" Nanami ask.
"Wow. Its adorable. Whaddya think Charlotte?"
"Hmmm.... i have to say its cute." She responds. Then Tomoe explains some things i dont bother listening at all. Instead of going to help Nanami on her task... Charlotte and I were just going to be lazy.
"(N/n)! (C/n/n)! Come on lets go!" Then I used one of my many hundreds god powers to shut the door and lock it up.
"Hey! (N/n)!" Nanami whined.
"Sorry we are lazy to walk!" I shouted. I heard Nanami sighed in defeat. And a little while later, she left.
Nanami's POV
Hey! (N/n)!" I whined.
"Sorry we are lazy to walk!" (y/n) or (n/n) shouted. I sighed in defeat. And I told Himeiko where Kotaro is. So the 'date' it didn't go quite well at first since Himeiko just used the her both hands to kind of slap Kotaro.
Timeskip! (Cause I'm lazy ^○^)
So I saw some bullies grabbing the rubics cube that Himeiko was playing with and kotaro was just standing there. So I gave him a boost. Hoping it will reach him.
"So do you think it worked?" I asked Tomoe.
"Perhaps yes. I did not think you would take such a literal apporach. But if it works then it works. And it appears whatever you did, worked." Tomoe said.
So when I went back to the shrine I told (n/n) and Charlotte about what happen they replied,
"Oh Nanami... we already knew." I was confused for a while but shrugged it off.
(Y/n) your name
(N/n) nick name
(C/n/n) Charlottes nick name
(A/n) hellooooooooooooo! And hope ya like that wun!! And BAIIIII!

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