"Long time no see, Y/n-san"

Smiling at Obi, she grabbed onto the hand he held out. Looking around the room, she spotted all the familiar faces she missed oh so much.


The roads were empty with nothing but tumbleweeds and cacti. The heat had gotten to Zen as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Unlike him, Y/n seemed unfazed by it. Her chest plate reflected the sun. The clanking of boots was the only sound there was to hear. No trees. No water. No sign of mankind. He was confused. How could she wear a longed sleeved shirt in this heat and continue on like it was nothing. Feeling his eyes on her, she sighed. She would have asked the others to come as well but Shirayuki had to go into the woods to pick herbs and Zen would not allow her to go alone, ordering Mitsuhide and Kiki to watch over her. Her prince had also given her a task while they were in Clarines. It was to go to the nearest town ; about fifty kilometres to the left of Clarines and ask to trade with the mayor. Of course Zen couldn't trust that she would be safe alone, so he ordered that Obi accompanied her to this town, with him tagging along too. Although she declined many times, he couldn't just leave her. He said something along the lines of escaping the torture of being the prince.

Slinging his arm around her shoulder, Obi grinned at the girl. What an amazing smile. It was carefree. Like there was nothing in the world that would hurt him. Like that smile will stay there forever and ever. How could he smile like that? Over the past few weeks, she had learnt many things about his past. It was equally as heartbreaking as her's. So, how? How could he keep smiling like that? Nontheless, she liked it. She like it so much.

"Your smile...."

Humming in response, He leaned closer to her. she was facing the ground, not making eye contact with him.

"I... really like it."

She turned her head to face him with a sweet smile. Those particular words had made him grin like an idiot. What was this? This was....

" Ahem, I'm still here you know?"

Ignoring him, she continued on with a smile plastered on her face.

" Looks like your being ignored."

Shaking her head, she stole a glance at the two boys. She missed those two idiots. Although she'll never say it to their face.

Catching her look back at him, he smiled. Ruffled his white hair and pushed Obi off him. He had missed her too.


" Sorry ma'm but this is all we've got "

Nodding, she took the goods and gave them hers. Obi, who was oblivious to the fact that she had left a bit of money for them, walked up to her and started talking. Zen, on the other hand. He noticed it. He knew everything that happened. Since he met her, he had been keeping an eye on her. No one knows when something might go wrong.

But apparently, he worried too much about her safety. So much that he neglected his own. Which could have cost him his life. The silver arrow that was protruding out of the female's arm was intended to pierce through his heart. If it wasn't for her, he would be dead. He panicked. She was hurt. And not to mention, she was her protecting him. The guilt had weighed him down. He was grateful she had saved him. Yes, very grateful but she was hurt and thats what he should be focused on.

he had no time to-

Noticing his worry, she waved him off telling him she was okay and to get to the horses.

Obi observed their surroundings. Not one person could be seen. Whoever was planning this was definitely elite. Never letting his guard down , he walked to the girl. He was surprised she could tell when the arrow was coming. He was a high level assassin and yet he failed to notice it.

A knight's devotion zen wisteria x readerWhere stories live. Discover now