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here we go


swm loves mef: wow this airport has wifi cool

mef loves swm: HWHAT

swm loves mef: YES

mef loves swm: WHERE ARE YOU

swm loves mef: WAITING FOR OUR BAGS

mef loves swm: DONT. MOVE.

swm loves mef: WAHT WHY NOT
> MARK??????


jack stood beside felix, still very confused as to why mark told him not to move.

he ran his fingers through his soft green-dyed hair, blowing air out through his nose heavily. he was really nervous to see mark. what if  he didn't like him in real life? jack felt he was really obnoxious, what if mark thought that, too?

before his thoughts got any darker, he heard a voice call his name. a familiar voice.

"jack! jack, over here!"

jack's heart skipped a beat and the world around him froze as he slowly turned his head and saw the familiar puff of red hair, and the familiar smiling face it belonged to.

"m-mark...?" jack gasped, his eyes widening as the red-haired boy came sprinting over.

"jack!" mark exclaimed again, and now his arms were outstretched.

with a smile rising up on his face, jack abandoned felix's side to run into mark's awaiting arms.

"mark!" he squealed, throwing his arms around mark as the two slammed into each other; they toppled to the ground, jack on top of mark. neither of them cared that falling like that had hurt.

jack hid his face in mark's shoulder, hugging him as tight as he could. mark held him just as tight.

jack felt like he couldn't breathe, yet at the same time, felt like in that moment, being there in mark's arms, he was most at peace. he took a deep breath, and was drowned in the way mark smelt. his whole body trembled momentarily.

"i can't believe you're here!" mark murmured, squeezing jack impossibly closer. jack giggled, his face going warm.

"neither can i, mark."

"oh, god," mark sighed, and jack felt him lace his fingers in his lower shirt. "i get to hear you say my name in real life!"

"you're so weird," jack mumbled.

"hey. gays."

both jack and mark jolted at the sound of felix's voice.

"get up, c'mon, you can like... cuddle and kiss later, at mark's house. i wanna get my bags and go to the hotel." felix nudged jack with his shoe before he heard his footsteps leave.

jack, completely embarrassed at what felix had said, frantically scrambled off of mark and stood up, hiding his face.

"g-geez! i'm so sorry about him–" he blubbered out, but suddenly he felt mark's hand on his shoulder. he peeked up at the slightly taller man.

"hey, it's okay," he said, grinning. "c'mon, let's go get your bags!"

to jack's surprise, mark boldly took his hand and walked beside him to get his bags, as calmly as a long-time couple would.

jack almost fainted.


whats up my fellow gay lovers

im back, practically a year later,

i wonder if anyone even cares still but

¯\_()_/¯ i just missed my fics a lot. read if u like. love u if u do xx

(also sorry its so short! hopefully the next one wont be, whenever i get to it. ok cool thanks babies)

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