Chapter 1

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I practically stopped breathing as the voices quieted to rushed whispers outside my cell door, a harmony of husky growls and gentle hums.

I stared straight ahead, using everything that I had left inside of me to block out the thing in my head.

Some male cleared his throat, and I whimpered almost inaudibly at the eager sound. 

"This is number 2759. She has thick and wavy auburn hair that stops just below her waistline that's paired with large emerald green eyes. Her lips are plump and full, with just the right hint of cherry pink, and she is in exceptional physical health. As if all of that wasn't enough, her breast size is 38C, matching perfectly with her defined bottom. She is of the average human height, and is in fact, a virgin." The man who spoke had a deep, hollow voice that pierced straight through me.

Some part of my soul shattered at his words. The violation behind them. The things that he was saying, parts of myself that I would've never shared with another soul. Things that I didn't even discuss with myself.

But what terrified me the most, were the words that fell from his lips just a moment later.

"We will start the bidding at $100,000. This one's blood type is very rare and delectable. Her blood type is AB negative, less than 1% of the human population possesses it." he claimed, sounding slightly breathy as if the sound of my blood was intoxicating.

My heart stuttered as several sensual growls and hums radiated out in response to his words.

There was only one reason why that man would be speaking in that way or informing anyone of my blood type while calling it "delectable" at all.

I was being sold.

I was being sold to a vampire.

I had been captured, thought to be human, for the purpose of satisfying a vampire and their needs. I was being sold as a slave.

My entire body jolted at the piercing shriek that sounded as the door in front of me swung open, dim, pale light gliding over my filthy body.

All logical thought in my head dissipated as the creatures stepped inside.

I felt as if my entire self-had been split open and picked apart for their enjoyment as I worked out the looks their shadowed eyes held.

As they all gathered around me in a small semi-circle, I did my best to salvage what was left of my dignity. To hide my broken body from their eyes.

I had to push through the fear and brokenness that racked my insides, I had to be strong in the way my mother taught me all those years ago.

I was violently jolted out of my thought as a tall, lanky man walked up to me, meaning to grasp my chin. I lunged at him without thinking, latching down on his fingers in defense.

The wail of pain I expected never came.

He jumped back, ripping his hand out of my grasp, letting loose a growl that rattled the bars of my cell. My head blanked, nothing but phantom wails slipping through it.

Before I could blink, or even attempt to understand what I had done, blinding pain ripped through my cheek, his hand faster than anything I could have ever imagined.

A sob escaped my lips as pain radiated through my head, a sticky warm substance dribbling out from my lips. I fought with everything I had not to scream out in pain, biting my tongue until it bled.

"Don't you ever touch me again, you filthy scum!" the man growled fiercely, wrapping his hand around my throat. I gasped and sputtered, pulling against my restraints. The man of shadow chuckled darkly at my obvious panic. Fire poured through my lungs, as he crushed my windpipe. Then, almost sadly, he stepped back. I gasped, my entire body crying with relief as oxygen washed throughout it. I caved over, coughing and gasping as my mind caught up to my body.

He only continued his dark chuckle.

"There is no way I am going to spend so much as one penny on a disobedient thing like that." the man spat out, turning towards the door and quickly storming away.

This resulted in the dark-skinned man- or vampire who was auctioning me off like chattel to let lose a low rumble, sending shivers of unease creeping down my spine. He was reminding me of my place. He was warning me to behave, otherwise, there would be consequences. I could feel it in my very bones.

I turned my eyes to the ground, my body bending to his violent promises. I tried to calm the panic stirring inside of me. I tried to shut out the blanketed thoughts and the just-out-of-reach warnings that plagued me in this place.

The throbbing in my head picked up, and I fought to keep a groan inside. 

"He's right, you undefiled vestal. Nobody wants a disobedient pet." I glanced up shakily as a tall, lean man who reeked of power sneered delightfully at me.

A shiver ran down my spine as the man stuck his face an inch away from me, every joint in my body locking up.

I tried to force the fearful tears back inside as he continued his staring.

My face contorted in pain and fear as he ran his hand down my neck, grazing down and dangerously close to my breasts. I felt tears once again bubble up and pour down over my cheeks.

The man seemed to be satisfied, seeing my terror of him.

He circled around the chair, looking my body up and down, his eyes glazing over with something I couldn't quite place. I watched him as he walked away, another bit of my soul washing away.

"I'll start off the bidding at $100,000." The voice came from the middle of the left wall, I couldn't see who it was that had bid, but I could hear their voice. It was intoxicating, and for a moment, I could have sworn the fear in my chest gentled, as if savoring the velvet as much as I did.

"I will pay $300,000." I wasn't sure who made the responding and ridiculously high bet, all I knew was that I needed to get away before it was too late.

The thought consumed me inside, all sound and rationality fleeing from inside me. It was all I could think as I started jerking against the restraints even harder than before, knowing that if I didn't get out now, I never would.

As I looked up, panic carved into the angles of my face, and I saw a flash of white, and the next thing I knew, the man who had been circling around me like a buzzard had rammed a needle into my neck.

Everything simply faded away.

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