Inferno pushed his rider slightly with his snout before saying, “It’s at least worth a shot. It’s basically our only chance to save your friend, and you might as well at least try it.”

            Blackscales couldn’t help it; he smirked despite the outrageous fear and concern he had for his friend, and patted the rough, shadowy scales on Inferno’s forehead. For the upteenth time he recognized that there was a special and unique bond between them. He hated himself for thinking about such things when one of his closest friends was possibly dying, but the special bond between him and Inferno was just so amazing! The bond was stronger even than twins, lovers, or best friends.

            Blackscales was pulled out of his thoughts when Avalsmokes said, “I guess it’s worth a shot, anything is if it might save my sister.”

            The rider was about to ask what he was talking about, but Omen quickly explained that Inferno had managed to establish a mind link with Aval, and told both of them his plan. The dragon gave his rider a proud look.

            “If I can talk to someone that I don’t know very well, you can talk to your future mentor,” Inferno announced, the echoing that sounded in Blackscales’s head made him assume that the dragon had sent the message to all conscious members of their party.

            Ashheart cut in for the first time, “I certainly didn’t get to know her well, but saving a life is important to me anyways. I will knock Blackscales unconscious myself if I have to!”

            While there was some small amount of humor in his tone, Blackscales wasn’t going to laugh. He may have been a tiny puppy, but the rider had no clue how powerful his race truly was. He quickly realized that the pup was very quiet most of the time, so his presence on their consciousnesses was a pretty interesting honor, at least at that moment.

            “Will you do it?” Omen asked expectantly, but in a way that made Blackscales finally feel that he actually had an option about what to do.

            Blackscales sighed, looking around at all of his friends, from dragon, to wolf, to human, until his gaze finally rested on Autumn, with her frail figure resting gently in her brother’s muscular arms. He couldn’t understand why he was so opposed to the idea was unknown to him, but he did know that he didn’t seem to be acting the same way as Autumn, so he was sure he wasn’t going to turn out like her. Some sort of strange sort of sixth sense told him not to, but there was only logic in trying. He had to sleep sometime anyways, so he might as well try to contact Argos’s rider while he did it, and that place and time was as good as any.

            “Alright, I’ll do it,” he announced reluctantly. “But are you sure I need to be asleep to do it?”

            Accurately guessing that the rider was talking to him, Inferno replied, “You were correct earlier when you said that you couldn’t reach out to find him when you were conscious, but I remember a time that my mother explained something like that to me. There were some things she said that were just as riddled and wise as an elf’s, but I gathered much of what she said.”

            “Well what did she say?” Blackscales asked anxiously.

            Inferno gave him a wry, fang-filled smile before replying, “She said that a being that has even a tiny bit of magic can fall asleep or become unconscious, and can sort of float through the universe and locate people or even destinations. Unfortunately, I don’t think you could actually find the pass by doing it, just see it. But I have no doubts that if you manage to find Argos’s rider, you can talk to him then and there.”

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now