Seeing his confusion, the elder rider said, “I’m sorry to keep you in the dark like this, but I’m sure you’ve heard the history of riders that had their power grow faster than their wisdom, and they were destroyed. But, remember that as long you are in the dark, the less responsibility you have. I don’t want you to get reckless or anything knowing that you have practically nothing you have to do for now, so I’ll also tell you that the more eager you are to strengthen yourself, the quicker you’ll be thrown into responsibilities you can’t handle. Make sure that you only increase your strength when you increase your wisdom, and also remember that I will be here to help you whenever you need.”

            Again with the tricky language, but it was much easier for Blackscales to understand at that point. He looked at the older rider, and silently accepted that he had much to learn that would be revealed to him when he was ready. He felt oddly small and insignificant, before he realized that it was the almost exact thing he told Autumn and Aval. He silently vowed to himself to end his ruthless hunt for power and just accept what came to him.

            “I suppose I should tell you,” The older rider began, standing up, “that the most experienced riders can read other minds at will. I believe your wisdom is increasingly greatly already.”

            Blackscales couldn’t tell whether he should be incredibly proud, or embarrassed about what he had said.

            Argos’s rider laughed a bit louder than usual, almost as if he was suddenly growing stronger, before walking up to Blackscales and saying, “Because of your wisdom and your approaching need for some kind of protection, I’ll tell you what you need to know right now. Hint: A rider’s strength, eyesight, and more skills are much greater than the average person’s, if you haven’t noticed. There are some important increases in skills involved with swords, bow and arrows, and axes…you can go ahead and find your fit, and you’ll know when you do. Each rider is destined to hold one specific kind of weapon, and it’s as obvious as your bond with your dragon which one is yours once you use it.”

            Before Blackscales could ask further, the dream faded back into the shelter that inferno had made him. He jerked his head up abruptly when he felt the dragon’s snout on his leg. He also suddenly noticed that the temperature had increased outrageously since he’d fallen asleep. It was probably 50 degrees hotter, and in the very least 80 degrees hotter than the outside world.

            “What’s going on?” Blackscales asked, ignoring the heat and sitting up slowly.

            Inferno pulled his head out and replied, “Your friends are fast approaching. After they fall asleep tonight we’re going to have to discuss your dream.”

            “You know about my dream?” Blackscales asked in surprise.

            “Lately I’ve found that when one of us is awake and the other is asleep, we can use our mind link to see each other’s dreams. So I know exactly what Argos’s rider told you and I have some comments, but not until we are the only conscious ones around.”

            Blackscales silently agreed and was about to say something more, but heard the sound of horses walking steadily through the forest to the clearing. There was a loud neighing from one of the horses when it saw Inferno move slightly. While they were sort of used to walking near the dragon, they were still very cautious and spooked easily when he suddenly appeared.

            “Where’s Blackscales?” Aval shouted to Inferno.

            Blackscales put on his new thicker gear before Inferno lifted his wing into the air and the cold enveloped him once more. He waited a minute until he was warm enough again before leaping up onto one of the rocks and reaching the others.

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum