Emett scoffed as he turned towards the door “Looks aren’t really important if they can’t protect you.”

He walked out the door slamming it behind him, and I couldn’t help the sting I felt from his words. He was still so mad at me…but I would make sure to at least protect him physically even if I couldn’t emotionally.

Barbus didn’t give me the chance to dwell on it too much before changing the subject.

“Mr. Sunshine like always, anyway it’s so nice to finally have the daughter of Vadin and Analee in my shop I have something very special for you.” Barbus winked at me and walked to the back.

“For me?” I pointed to myself in surprise.

He nodded and before disappearing in the door way he turned back and looked at me.

“Well come on or do I need to go over there and get you?” I could hear Fate and Renee laughing and I smiled following him into the back, but I couldn’t help but look to the front door where Emett had just left. I felt a strong need to follow him and Fate must have noticed.

He will be fine I’ll keep an eye on him.” I nodded and walked through the doorway after Barbus.

“So how is Emett treating yah, not working you to hard is he? That boy has a knack for getting into trouble.” Barbus got a key out of his pocket as we headed to a dark back room, the wood floor creaking with every step we took.

“No, not too hard.” I smiled and thought to myself how much he really did like trouble, but it seemed to be more relationship related then physical. I tried to peek around Barbus to see what was in the room as the door popped and moan when he swung it open.

“There are some things that we have been holding on to for you.” Barbus walked into the dusty room that had a damp dusty smell to it. I cleared my throat and let my eyes adjust to the darker room. Before I could blink Barbus was slapping something heavy and long in my hand and I looked down in awe as my eyes focused on the intricately carved bow I held in my hands.  After that everything was a blur as he started throwing things at me like clothing, a leather vest with a massive tree carving on the back, a beautiful dagger and a hooded jacket that matched the leaf green clothing. Standing there with my arms pilled full of things that I could no longer look over; Barbus walked around behind me and led me to a room.

“Get naked” He whispered in my ear.

I nearly dropped everything I was carrying when I turned to try and look at him with what I’m sure was a horrified look on my face. “What!?”

Apparently my reactions amused “Calm down, I’m just playing go get dressed. This is the clothing of a true Alderyn native, and your mothers.”

My heart dropped and I stared down at the items in my arms feeling an odd connection with them as my fingers traced over the leather carvings in the vest. Life did not grant me the opportunity to meet my parents but at least with this I could in a way have a connection with them. As I was having my moment Barbus shoved me in the room.

“You can have your girly moment after you’re dressed.” I heard Barbus laughing from outside the door and I rolled my eyes.

“I wasn’t having a girly moment, and even if I was you ruined it.” I moaned from the privacy of my room. I began to undress and took a few moments to appreciate the beauty of the clothing, imagining what my mother must have looked like in them.

After a few minutes I came out and the look Barbus gave me told me I must have looked alright.

“Beautiful” He smiled and walked towards me and I looked down fiddling with my hands.

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