Prince Charming

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Natasha felt her breath hitch I her throat as she continued to stare into the Prince's eyes. They were smoldering with something that wasn't exactly anger. Maybe it was anger and confusion? "Why are you avoiding me" he asked. There was definitely confusion in his voice. She wasn't exactly sure as to how she was supposed to answer his question. She decided to try and pull her arm away from him to buy her some time to think about how to answer. His grip stayed firm. "Answer me" he said softly. He seemed more confused than angry now.

"I just don't like to converse with Prince's" Natasha told him. It wasn't a lie either. she'd rather be anywhere else at the moment than talking to the prince.

"But you don't mind talking to a Duke" he asked her with a raised eyebrow. She could tell that he didn't believe her like she had thought that he would have.

"Well, he came up to me in started to talk with me. It would be quite rude and unlady like for me to not respond. Would it not" she asked him. She raised an eyebrow back at him to mimic him. "Besides. I'm talking to you at the moment. Am I not? This is no different than how it was with the Duke" Natasha told him. "Though I don't see why it should matter to you. You seemed to be just fine with the woman you danced with before. You should keep your attention on those who seem to be interested in the attention and not on those who aren't. Now if you would excuse me. I have to be finding a restroom" she told him and removed his had from her arm and turned on her heels and started to walk away from him.

"The closest washroom is right there" she heard the Prince say. When she turned around she looked at the door he was pointing at. She nodded her head before walking to the door and sighed at her mistake. Of course they'd have a fancy name for a bathroom. A wash room. She'd have to remember that.

"Thank you" she said quietly. She curtsied quickly once she remembered her manners and walked into the room. It was rather nice in here. She sat on a cushioned settee' while she waited for it to be the appropriate time for her to leave once again. She never wanted to exit the safe haven of the washroom ever again wit the vulture prince lurking around. That made him sound creepy. He of course wasn't. He was actually quite handsome and sophisticated, but he did seem a little egotistic. Like with her not immediately talking to him. It's not like it was a rule for every eligible girl to converse with him. She rolled her eyes as she straightened her dress and walked back out of the room with the Prince no where to be found.

She sighed in relief as she walked into the ballroom. She didn't see the Prince when she glanced round. She smiled to herself. Maybe he had been swept off his feet by some princess and he was not even thinking about her anymore. Now that was a rather fine idea in her mind. She was heading back to her seat as the songs changed and she was gazing around the room when she bumped into a solid chest. She almost lost her balance when she felt an arm around her waist and a hand on her arm. She felt sparks tingle up and down her arms making her heart skip a beat or two. She gasped and her eyes flickered up to the face of her savior. "May I have this dance" the Prince asked her with the most charming smile on his face. Prince charming indeed.

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