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"Yuu-chan? Yuu-chan wake up!"

A blonde boy started shaking Yuu, begging him to wake up. Mika thought he arrive,

Too late...

"Mmmm, huh? My... body hurts all...over...."

"Crap, Yuu-chan the symptoms are starting to kick in..."

Yuu opened his eyes and stared at Mika.

He really came.

None of his "friends" came tho...

They were fake.

All of them.

"You.. actually... came Mika?"

Mika hugged Yuu and started crying, begging him to stay alive and stay with him. Yuu looked up at the ceiling, his vision going blurry and he was feeling light headed.

He's slowly leaving the earth...


Yuu woke up completely, still a a bit dizzy but he can still see and hear. He saw Mika's eyes engulfed with tears and sadness.

Why would he cry for me?...

Yuu wiped Mika's tears, putting on a fake smile trying to reassure him.

"Don't worry Mika, I won't ever forget you... I wish I couldv'e atleast spent more time with you before I disappear completely..."

Mika grabbed his guitar and wiped Yuu's tears.

"Yuu-chan... Here, I have a song for you... I hope you like it."

With that, Yuu's face lit up in this depressing moment. Mika breathed in and out preparing for the song before he opened his mouth. He started singing,

"If I got on my knees and I pleaded with you,
Not to go but to stay in my arms,
Would you walk out the door,
Like you did once before.

This time be different,
Please stay , don't go.

If I call out your name like a prayer,
Would you leave me alone with my tears?
Knowing I need you so,
Would you still turn and go?

This time be different,
Please stay , don't go,
Please stay,

I recognised you before I even knew your name,
And I wanted to give you my all,
But then you came back crying after one time,
I knew that the heartache would start.

If I called out your name like a song,
That was written for you , you alone,
Would you still hurt my pride?
How I cried..."

Mika started tearing up, trying to finish his song without falling apart.

"This time be different,
Please stay,
Please stay , don't go,
Please stay , don't go,
Please stay, Yuu-chan..."

Mika started crying, tears overflowing as he dropped his guitar and hugged Yuu, capturing him in his embrace not wanting him to leave, like he was clinging onto dear life. Yuu smiled.

Before he knew it, his false smile had become the real thing.

The first ever real one...

Yuu cried, aware that he was going to leave with many regrets, regrets that would haunt him forever. His biggest regret was that he couldn't spend much time with Mika.

"I love it Mika... Thank you..." Yuu started coughing up blood, his time was coming to an end.

"NO YUU-CHAN! PLEASE STAY YOUR THE ONLY THING IN THIS WORLD THATS KEEPING ME GOING, PLEASE STAY!" Mika sobbed and started screaming. He grabbed Yuu's hand and was shocked to find that it was cold, cold like a dead body.


Yuu had left the world in Mika's arms. A smile was plastered across Yuu's face,

at least he died in the arms of someone who cared.

Mika opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. His world just left right in his arms and he couldn't do anything about it. He layed Yuu's body down on the bed, crying that he had one big regret that he shouldv'e confessed earlier.

He sat on a chair and stared at Yuu's face.

Mika's eyes widened, painfully aware that this was reality.

There was no escape.

Mika opened his mouth to speak,

"Yuu-chan..." Mika stroked Yuu's cheek, leaving his warmth on it.

"Not telling you that I loved you before you left for good..."

Mika placed Yuu's hand on his forehead, feeling his soft complexion once more.

"Was the biggest regret of my life."

The End.

Regrets {Mikayuu}Where stories live. Discover now