the scream

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Skys POV

There was a scream so everyone came outside to see aph and ross killing phenix and maxs parents. So phe ran to them and struck them with her lighting befor they could kill her mom so max, and me grabbed there mom while phe was beating off aph and ross, while jin and barney called the police. And aph and ross went to solitary confiment in prision and a life sentence.


When aph and ross got taken away an police man came up to me and asked me "are you ok okay" and I said "yea" and max came and said "shes okay, she cant talk" and the police man said "are you the victims family and me and max nodded and max said "were there children" and the police man said "okay, would you like to ride in the ambulance with us and your mother, since your father was murdered. And how did you beat the prisoners" and I said as max translated "I have magic, so I can beat ross, the most powerful mage in the world. And aph that has very little magic. So i can mach there magic but only x10" and the police nidded and brought us to the ambulance where are mother was and I just tried to help until I pushed the nurses out of the way and healed my mom and sat back down and the nurses looked at me shocked and said "you healed her from the middle of her bone to her flesh but were still bringing her in to make sure she has a normal heart beat, okay" and I nodded and looked outside. And one of the nurses asked me "I have 2 questions. 1. Are you a mute and 2. How did you heal your mother" when I looked at max and he nodded and explained why I cant talk and how I can heal my mom.


        After I explained what happened to phe and what magic she has and the nurses just looked shocked then phe got up and went to the door to see where going to get into a crash so she jumped out and went infront of the car and stopped it. Then thw nurses had to bring her in to make sure she was okay

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