The Gasman flew through the sky the quickest, wanting to see [Name]. He loved you like an older sister, and wanted to be that protective younger brother.

Fang was not too far behind, Max by his side. Nudge and Angel were flying just above, the two girls excited to see you again. And when your window came into view, Gazzy flew straight for it and shouted, "ARE YOU BACK TOGETHER NOW?!"

He saw you jumped out of your skin, shooting off the bed and away from Iggy. The said boy turned his body around, an evident scowl on his face. Obviously, Gazzy had interrupted at the wrong time. But the young blonde didn't care as he dove right at you and hugged you tightly. "[Name]! [Name], [Name], [Name]!!" His wings wrapped around the both of you as he hugged you tight, almost crushing your body. "I've missed you so much! I can't believe someone would do that to you! Who the hell would want to hurt you? I'll look for them and beat them up and—"

He was stopped short as he was yanked away from you. "Hey, I think that was too much, Gaz." It was the cool and deep voice from the phone call.

"Are you... Fang?" you asked.

Fang turned to you and clapped you on the shoulder. He ruffled your hair slightly. "Good to see that you're okay again, [Name]. And yes, I'm Fang. The one that attacked you was the Gasman. Gazzy or Gaz is fine by him too. Has Iggy filled you with all the details?"

"Shut up Fang! I'm not that incompetent..." whined Iggy.

You giggled and Fang smiled. "I'm happy to see you [Name]. It was almost like we lost a member of our family."

"It was like that, idiot." And it was the girl's voice from the phone. "Max. I'm so happy to see you again!" She pulled you into a hug. "We had kind of lost Iggy because he decided to stay with Ella even though he knew that we all were still together." Max turned her head to frown at Iggy and all he did was smile sheepishly. "And we had lost you before..." Max took a step back from you and gave you a sad look. "When Iggy ran off with Ella—"

"I did not run off with her! She offered to look after me!" Iggy interrupted.

"She said she would look after you because you loved her and she loved you back," said Gazzy. And all Iggy did was pout.

Max continued like she had never been interrupted. "—You were really heartbroken. To you, finding someone that you loved was everything. You believed in having a soul mate and even though you had never experienced love, you knew that it was Iggy when he confessed to you. That's why you left us just a few days after Iggy ran off with Ella."

"I told you, I did not run off with Ella!" Iggy protested.

By this time, Nudge had flown in and tackled you into a hug. And Angel stood by Max's side, a cute and happy smile on her face. "O. M. G! [Name]! Eeek! This is like, THE happiest moment EVER!" squealed Nudge. And unfortunately for you, you had no idea what was going on anymore.


You were currently in the kitchen, pouring out seven cups of warm hot chocolate. As you poured the final cup, you were in deep thought. Faint laughter could be heard from your bedroom, echoing throughout your silent hallways. These were the people that you grew up with, that you spent your childhood with. Yet, why do you still feel that half of your life is missing?


Hearing your name, you jumped from fright, almost dropping the kettle that was in your hands. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around you, helping you steady the hot appliance. "Careful... it might spill. And it's still hot."

You turned your head back to find Iggy staring down at the kitchen benchtop. His hands were gently holding yours, supporting the still warm kettle. He took the kettle with such gentleness and placed it down on the benchtop. "A-are you okay?"

Iggy smirked slightly. "I should be the one asking you that. The others were just worried." He smiled softly at you, and you hoped to dear god that he couldn't hear the loud thumping of your heart. "Gazzy is being the little kid he is... he was getting worried about his hot chocolate getting cold. So, I came to see if you were okay." Iggy held out his hands, palms up and flat. "Pass me a tray then put the mugs on it. I'll take it to the bedroom."

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself? I can take the mugs and you can go back to the room," you said softly. Iggy shook his head as he held out his hands closer to you.

"Please. Let me help. I know that I'm blind and seem useless because of that but I function just like any other human who has their sight. You've seen it, so just let me help you, [Name]."

With a lot of reluctance, you placed a tray on Iggy's outstretched hands then positioned five mugs on the surface. Iggy held the tray with ease then walked down the way he came. To your surprise, he walked with ease, causing you to feel relieved and follow with the last two cups of hot chocolatey goodness. Upon entering the room, you heard the younger kids cheer and the older ones smile with glee. You turned your attention to Iggy, who had finished giving out the mugs and was sitting on your bed, his hands tucked neatly in his lap. You made your way over to him, passing him his mug which he took with ease then sat yourself next to him on the bed. Quietly, you all talked and sipped on your drinks, the girl by the name of Nudge doing most of the talking.

"And remember the time when [Name] and Iggy went to the lake together for their anniversary? Oh em gee! That was like, the most adorable thing ever! And like, Iggy was so sweet and like, caring and—"

"Wait, Nudge. How do you even know this?" Max inquired. The younger girl paused and realised her mistake. She gave a sheepish smile in Max's direction, causing you to grin.

"I might have... followed them for a bit?" she said hesitantly. Max sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as the others laughed; expect for Iggy who was becoming beet red from embarrassment. You laughed along with everyone, a feeling of warmth spreading through you but you still couldn't help that feeling of emptiness. Even though these people said they were your family, surely you would have had a proper family.

"Um, I have a question," you said quietly. All heads turned to you, all the attention now in the palm of your hands. "Where's... my real family?"

At that, everyone stopped. It was almost like time itself had paused and you were the only one who had the capability to move. You wondered why the room became so silent. What was it about that question? Why did everyone just stare at you blankly? Your eyes scanned around the room, stopping on each face and taking in their expression. They all held the same thing; a malice of some sort. Why? Why, why, why?

"Your real family... had most likely sold you to an organisation to become an experiment." Fang broke the silence, cutting straight to the point. "It's how you got wings... and now labelled a freak by the whole of society."

"I want to see the records. I want proof," you demanded.

"Then instead of showing you records," replied Max, "we'll show you the real Hell hole."

Sweethearts, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. A school project came up and the teacher requested to copy my presentation to her own computer... meaning she took my USB with the chapters and didn't give the USB back till three weeks later. I have been itching to write something for you sweethearts but I had no idea where I left off. But finally, it's here. I really don't like keeping you all waiting but I also don't want to be posting something with such little effort. As much as I would like to give you sweethearts regular updates, I'm not able to type good quality work in a short amount of time. I want you all to enjoy good quality content. That is my goal as an author to my readers.

However, I will always be trying to improve... meaning I will try to write good quality content in a shorter amount of time, therefore allowing you amazing readers to get more content to read from me.

I do hope that you will stick with me, despite how slowly I update... But until next time, sweethearts.


My love for you was Blind (Iggy x Human-avian hybrid! reader)Where stories live. Discover now