Harry Potter-Curses

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Run. Run and don't look back, keep running, don't falter, and don't get hit. Focus on catching up with Hermione and Ginny. "Stupefy!" I screamed, pointing my wand behind me, no doubt with horrible accuracy. Millions of different spells, charms, and hexes ran through my head, but my brain couldn't pinpoint on just one, and so I was stuck with just trying to stay alive and not get hit.

"Crucio!" A voice roared from behind me and I ducked, just barely missing the unforgivable curse. Harry, stupid Harry! Harry you gormless bloke, didn't you learn not to touch magical items that you don't recognize! Cursing profusely in my mind, I dodged a falling bookshelf before sprinting off towards everyone else, determined to stay with the group.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Hermione's bushy brown hair and found myself back in the circular room and out of the Hall of Prophecies. Slamming the door immediately, I hoped that somewhere on the other side, one of the Death Eaters got hit before running towards Hermione who was trying to get across the chamber. I heard the pounding of footsteps and rushed to get both of us out of the room.

"Run! Go, go, go!" Screaming with panic clear in my tone, I pushed Hermione into a room where we found Harry and Neville before also slamming this door hard.

"Colloportus." I said breathlessly before glancing between Hermione, Neville, and Harry. "What now?" I asked while gasping for air, my body felt tired from the running and my adrenaline was escaping as exhaustion took its place.

Before anyone could answer, the door banged and we all froze, all of our eyes widened as we stared at the door warily. There was silence, and then the lock turned with a click.

"Hide!" Harry whispered and all of us dove for cover just as the door swung open. I held my breath from under a desk as footsteps resounded out in the room. Closing my eyes as if willing myself to disappear, I kept as still and silent as I possibly could, before a shout rang out followed by a red light streaming through.

"Stupefy!" Harry roared at one of the Death Eaters while Neville and Hermione clamored out of their hiding spots, me following suit. The other Death Eater aimed a killing curse at Hermione which thankfully didn't hit her because Harry tackled him to the ground.

"Expelliarmus." Neville spoke nervously whilst I tried to get out and Hermione dealt with the surprise of a close call with a fatal spell.

Unfortunately, Neville's spell disarmed the death eater and Harry, leaving their wands scattered.

"Stupefy!" Hermione exclaimed before the death eater could retrieve his wand again. Once he collapsed, all four of us ran farther into the chamber with no sense of direction. But we didn't make it that far before slamming into walls, bookshelves, and desks. Impediment jinx. I groaned under my breath in frustration before glowering at the new batch of Death Eater loathingly. One of them was about to speak before Hermione put a silencing charm on him so he couldn't notify the others who were on our tail.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Before the other one could do anything else, I sent him a full-body bind curse and he fell flat to the floor.

I heard someone call my name right before a purple streak of light hit me square on the chest. That other bloody Death Eater, I thought before pain exploded in me and I crumpled to the floor, blacking out in the process.


I opened my eyes to blinding lights and a sore, aching feeling all over my body. Blinking, I laid there in silence until my eyes readjusted and identified the Hogwarts infirmary. I tried to sit up, wincing in the process, and I peered at the beds next to me. Almost all of the D.A. members who went to the Department of Mysteries were in a bed.

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