“This wasn’t your fault, Jesse. Jade has been very suspicious of me. She probably thought I was seeing someone else. It’s unfortunate she took this to mean she has been right all along.”

“I could talk to her, tell her nothing happened.”

“She doesn’t even know it was you who was sleeping in the bed. She’ll think I’m lying.”

“There has to be something we can do.”

“Relax, right now she’s really pissed off and she needs to cool down.”

“You don’t seem that bothered with all of this,” Jesse said.

“I am, but getting worked up over it is not going to help the situation. Now come on, let’s go make some breakfast. Come on, Thunder.” Lana got out of bed and both Thunder and Jesse followed her to the kitchen.

“Did you have a good time last night?” Lana asked.

They decided to make pancakes, bacon and coffee. “I had a great time. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”

“Me too, I think we both needed it.”

She had a mild hangover, which was better compared to what she would have been feeling had she not stayed hydrated. She recalled their conversation and it flowed through her word for word. “What you said about Alex and Billy,” she said, unsure of what exactly she wanted to ask.

“Oh, yeah, I meant that.”

“I still think they would be better off without me,” Jesse said as she prepared the bacon and put a pot of coffee in the coffeemaker while Lana made the pancakes.

“That’s because you’re scared. You don’t want to hurt them again or worse, risk getting hurt yourself. It’s totally understandable. I’d be apprehensive too.”

“What if I end up making the situation worse?”

“Do you think it could get any worse than this?”

She thought about it and shook her head. “I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like a good idea. How would I even start? I told Billy I wanted a purely professional relationship and Alex just shows up at my office or my place. I don’t think I have the courage to seek her out.”

Star Crossed No More (Sequel to Star Crossed Lovers) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now