ch 9 (Luna)

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I glare at the wannabe musician as she fiddles with that wannabe guitar in a corner by herself. "Why'd she even bring that thing to your party anyway?" Ember asks with as much disgust and confusion as I'm feeling. "I don't know. Cause she's weird and lonely? Anyway, we have more pressing matters. Since she seems to not be able to find anymore completely desperate people, we should ready the footage."
"Perfect! What are we waiting for? Let's do it now! Make her pay for stealing my man!" Ember exclaims. "Patience, my dear Ember. Since she's gotten around more than a merry go round, we'll need to cut the footage into a highlight reel." I explain to her. "While we wait for that, let's discuss the plans for that pesky little cheater we still have to deal with. Ya know, besides showing everyone what a dirty pig he is." I say, imagining his face when everyone sees what a disgraceful thing he has done. "I'd make him perish now if I could, do the world a favor." Ember hisses. "I know. But remember what I've told you." I say. "I know, I know. 'Better to make him yearn for death.' " "Exactly! Very good." I smile with pride at my partner in crime. "I've got a great plan. Step one, give him a taste of his own medicine." I tell her. "So, you want me to sleep with a random guest? Like those pathetic, desperate, wannabes?" "No, of course not. Well, not really. We'll just convince him you did." I explain. Ember smiles and nods. "Step two, show everyone here what he did and watch his humiliation. Step three, show his country what he did. Step four/five, take him to court for his cheating and take everything he's got and have his crown impeached. Simple as that." Ember nods. "Any special plans for her?" she asks, nodding her head towards the target. Who is now doodling in some book for some reason. She must be really desperate for something to do. "Well, after we show the footage she will be made to give an apology for her disgraceful-ness on stage for all to hear. The speech will be broadcasted, of course. I'm still trying to decide which other punishments will suit best." I tell Ember. I look over at the freak and see her talking to her creepy robot. The rusty bucket nods it's 'head' and rolls away. "Hey Luna...?" I turn back to Ember. "Yes...?" "Do people know you have cameras in the bedrooms?" she asks. My face hardens. "Here's a question for you. If an undercover assassin loads and puts a gun in his coat while in the room where he knows there are no cameras, how will the guards know about it in time? And if he knows there are cameras, he'll make sure the gun stays out of sight even when all alone in his private room. You understand?" Ember nods. "Good." I look at her face, a little puffy, and into her bloodshot eyes. "Try to clean yourself up a little more. Don't want that loser to know you were crying over him, after all." "Yeah..." Ember says with a sigh. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. They can't all be as perfect as my Austin, I'm afraid." I tell her. She always knew about my relationship with Austin. She just doesn't know he was a witch prince. She thinks his death was just some unsolved murder. But I know the truth. "He'll get what's coming to him..." I promise Ember. And hopefully one day some other people will get what's coming to them...

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