Chapter One: Circus Whisper

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Just another fun day at the circus. That’s what it’s supposed to be. I could care less if people thought it was strange for a fourteen year-old girl like me to go to the circus with her parents. I loved the circus and that was all that mattered. My parents were particularly excited to see this new circus that they had never seen or heard of. “Circa Sanguis" the flyler had read when I saw it lying on the counter.     

      When we first pulled into the parking lot of the circus grounds, my impression of the place was that it was bright, cheerful, and colorful. All around me I saw laughing children and colorful tents. I could feel excitement brew inside of me. If this was the kind of atmosphere that the show had, I couldn’t wait to see it. The voices inside my mind thought other wise though. They were the same voices that always told me of danger ever since I was five years old. They kept nagging me that this place was a dangerous place to be and that despite its pulchritudinous look on the ouside; it held a more sinister, deeper meaning. I shrugged off hte voices. There was no way such a joyful place like this could hold something sinister.

            After purchasing my cotton candy, I began to walk through the crowd of people that were looking at all the interesting foods and trinkets. I thoughtfully ate some of my own sweet snack, savoring the taste. I felt my pocket for the money my dad had given me to get any one thing from all the stands. I walked by all the vibrant stands until in the far corner of the circus grounds, near the crowded area of trees, I spotted a gypsy-looking wagon with purple, starry drapes all over the sides. Curious, I walked over to it to see dainty necklaces, earrings, and bracelets on display, but one stood out for me the most. I picked up the black cord that held a sparkling, blue, teardrop-like crystal. I called out into the empty wagon, hoping to have someone show up. When no one did, I turned around still hoping that someone was walking over here, but instead of seeing someone walk over her, a lady was standing directly behind me with a big grin on her face. That made me jump and drop my cotton candy onto the soiled ground.

            “Well! Well! You’ve come to see my fine collection of jewels, correct? Have you found something to your liking, darling?” the lady asked in a forthwith manner. I couldn’t stop staring at the strange lady. She was pretty with her dark brown hair in ringlets and a green-purple bandana wrapped around her head, but her eyes shone with gleeful craze. Before I could finish my sentence, she had already held up my hand to see what I was holding. She looked at me with widen eyes and suddenly dropped my hand as she shuffled back into the wagon. She reappeared on the other side of the wagon with her hand held out. I slowly handed her the necklace and she snatched it from my hand. I retracted in surprise as she turned around and began to tamper with it. In an instant, she whipped back around and handed me the necklace again, but this time small metal claws were wrapped around the crystal as if some monster was protectively holding it.  I asked her how much, but she simply smiled.

            “Dear, take it. It’s my gift to you, Lexi,” she giggled. Without thinking, I took the necklace as I shyly thanked her and walked away. As I got farther away from the wagon, I suddenly realized that she had called me by my name without me telling her what it was and that I should have asked why she gave me the necklace for free. I turned around to look for the wagon, but it was already gone.

            Wear the necklace.

            I just shrugged my shoulders and put the necklace on around my neck. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket, so I took it out only to see that my dad sent me a text that said to meet him outside the show tent. I quickly made my way through the huge crowd of people that were headed towards the big red and white tent that was in the center of the entire circus grounds. I saw my parents standing outside the tent just chatting away with someone that looked like the ring master on the flyer. My parents saw me walk over and bid him a farewell. We walked into the tent and took our seats in the very front row. This confused me until my dad explain that the ring master loved them so much, he gave them new tickets that were front row seats.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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