"We could get out and walk around the gas station to stretch our legs." I suggested.

He nodded, so we both climbed out of the car. It felt good to stretch our legs for a minute. We walked together inside the gas station, and once I spotted the restroom sign I realized I really needed to potty.

Once I used the restroom, I found Matt picking out some snacks for the rest of the car ride. "What do you want?" He asked me.

I scanned the aisle, my eyes landing on the bag of cheetos, I grabbed them and Matt smiled. "You read my mind."

I chuckled as he grabbed a bag for himself. We both got a bottle of coke to go with her cheetos and then we went to pay at the counter. As we walked out of the store, Matt threw his arm around me. "I'm so happy we get to spend the weekend together."

"Me too," I say, slightly blushing. I'm not sure if it was his brown eyes and cute boyish smile that was making my heart flutter, or how close his lips were to mine. Butterflies easily erupted in my stomach and I tried to play it cool. It doesn't matter how long I hang around Matt, I still get so flustered whenever he gets close to me.

"It's going to be one hell of a weekend!" He exclaimed with a huge smile. I really hope so, but the churning in my stomach had me thinking otherwise.

The rest of the ride went by fairly quickly. Matt and I decided to take a nap so the ride would go by fast. Unlike me, Matt hates being in the car so he could not wait until we were there. Also, I think he was ready to see his friends and teammates.

About four hours later, the hotel came into view. We were finally here! Once we parked, Matt and I helped load everything on the luggage cart while his parents went to get our room keys. By the time we were done, his parents were walking back from the lobby with the keys.

Kelly handed me the key to room I'm staying in with Jaycee and her friend. She also handed one to Jaycee since her and her friend might need to get into the room when I'm not around.

The hotel was nice; a pretty chandelier hung above our heads in the lobby and the walls were fancy. It defiantly was a more expensive hotel, but Matt's tournament was paying for all the rooms. All I needed was money for food and other things we might do while on this trip.

As I stood there, by myself I was starting to feel a little homesick. Not that I'm not used to being a way from home, because I am and I love going on trips. I was feeling this way, because I felt out of place. I don't go to the same school Matt goes to, and even though I know some of his friends i still felt weird being there. Matt had reunited with his team and was huddled up with them, laughing and joking. His parents and sister were talking with other parents, which left me by myself on the couch of the lobby. Finally, Matt saw me by myself and walked over to me.

"You okay?" He asked, taking a seat beside me.

I forced out a smile, "Yeah, just tired from traveling."

"Me too," he agreed. "I'm ready to eat. I think we are going to a really good seafood place."

"Sounds good. You should go back to your teammates, they look like they want you." I told him, pointing out that the guys were glancing our way and talking to each other, I assume about Matt and me. That was one thing I was worried about coming on this trip with Matt. I wasn't sure how his friends would react to me being here considering we are not dating.

Triple ThreatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora