Lavender Nightingale (Revision)

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I had to fix some stuff with Lavender so here she is new and improved! I'm tired. XD

True Name: Lavender "Ayane" Nightingale

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True Name: Lavender "Ayane" Nightingale

Mafia name: Ōkami (狼) (Wolf)

Age: 15

Mafia family: Genovese ( Legacy and Rapture), Gambino ( danger and dodger ),The Oroku shatter ( Saki and viper) Or ( Insert your own family ) : Gambino

Position: ( capogrime, Consigliere, Solider,Aquiatance, etc) Solider

Explain the reason for their position: She really wanted to get back The Shredder and his soldiers for killing her and Chris's father but, she knew that Legacy wasn't going to listen to her story. So, she told her story after she met them a long time ago. So, Splinter and Danger decided to allow her to stay in the mafia as long she doesn't snoop around the place and try not to get involved in their business. So, she talked with Danger and asked him if she can be a soldier in the Gambino family. He said to her "You're going have to talk to Splinter about that." She agreed and said to Danger that he has to take her there and show her around the place since she isn't quite comfortable of this place yet.

Personality: She is shy, mature, smart, innocent, airhead, complex, very gentle and a pure cinnamon roll all in one. She is very skilled when it's comes to fighting with weapons and hand to hand combat. She becomes calm and collected when her eye color turns into a scarlet red and when she becomes cold and serious her eye color turns from scarlet red to golden yellow with mixture of red-orange in the center but she is still smart and mature in her missions but, she always finishes her job with a clean record, whether she kills her enemies or beat them to death she means business sometimes when she is a bad mood or not. It's because of her Wolf DNA she got from her mother's side of the family that she is skillful at her job but, her wolf DNA can make her emotions go crazy and she will become stubborn and make stupid decisions at times. She is like a sheep in wolf's clothing and sometimes a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Back story/bio: Ayane "Lavender" was born July 19th in the Nightingale family Manor in New York with her older sister Yukine and her friend Aiko who was adopted into the family. Adrian Nightingale(Lavender and Chris' father) is bright, noble, charismatic, and optimistic young man who always wanted a son so he can teach him about the family business and Marinette Nightingale(Lavender and Chris' mother) is beautiful, kind, and a bit clumsy woman but, Adrian still loves Marinette the way she is being herself. When Lavender was 4 and a half years old she ask her father if she can be the prince of the family and learn about the family business. Her father was overjoyed and shocked that his younger daughter said that to him and he said yes to her for his wish he always wanted. So, she became the first female prince of the Nightingale family while her older sister Chris became the princess of the family and Aiko became the kid jester. When she was 5 years old her father Adrian became really good friends with Yoshi Hamato(Splinter) when they were on their trip in Japan. When Lavender was training with her older sister, she noticed that Mr. Hamato was watching her and Chris. He really liked to teach Lavender, Aiko, Chris some techniques to protect themselves and each other. She looks up to Mr. Hamato like a another father figure to her personally. She always loved to visit the Japanese meadow with her father or Mr.Hamato because it's her secret place where she can draw her pictures in peace but, one day in the evening she went to the meadow by herself to draw then she saw a faint silver cage straight ahead where she was standing so she went deeper into the meadow and saw a group of turtles each one in cages, they were mutated and beaten up. The one that caught her eye was the turtle in the third cage who had a white cloth over his mouth and a lock around his neck. She felt sorry for the way those turtles were being treated so, she decides to go take a closer look at them. She looked to the left and right to see if the coast was cleared before she walked over. She arrived at the third cage and sticked both of her arms through the bars to untie the cloth over his mouth. The turtle opens his eyes and sees Lavender with the soaked cloth in her hands. He was shocked that Lavender took the cloth off without the bad people knowing. The turtles didn't trust her and they were scared but, she reassured to them it was okay and told them she wasn't going to hurt them. Lavender told them her name and Danger(Donatello) told her his name and his brothers' names quietly so they wouldn't get caught. She gave Danger and his brothers some fruits from her bag as a token of friendship. After a few days, she, Danger, and Dodger(Michelangelo) became friends after she gave them some time to calm down and during those days, she and Danger became very close friends and her sister Chris and Aiko found her with the turtles so, she introduced her sister and Aiko to them. They didn't even notice that they were being watched by one of Shredder's men and two of them were coming toward Lavender, Chris, and Aiko. Legacy and Rapture told Lavender to take her sister and friend and run. Chris said she wasn't going to leave them to get beaten up again. Lavender didn't have a choice and told Chris and Aiko to run back to the hotel to tell their parents about what had happened. Before Lavender could leave to catch up with Aiko and Chris. She and Danger swear to each other that they will find each other again in the future. Lavender said she will not break her promise and expect Danger to do same on his part. Lavender waves farewell to Danger and ran as fast as she could back to the hotel. Later that night, The Nightingale' family got on their plane and headed home leaving Lavender worrying about Danger and his brothers and hoping that they escaped from their torture. Five years later, Lavender, Chris, and Aiko were getting ready to go to bed for school. Adrian was in his office upstairs next to Lavender, Chris, and Aiko' room. When they heard a knock at their front door, Adrian went out of his office and down the stairs to front door and when Adrian opened the door, he was shot in the chest and Marinette stood there in shock and in horror of what she witness. Lavender ran downstairs after hearing the gunshot and saw four of Shredder's men with rifles and pistols in their hands, and her father on the floor bleeding. Lavender tried rush to her father's side but, her father told her to don't worry about him and tells Marinette to lock herself and their kids in their room. Marinette quickly scooped up Lavender and ran upstairs. She tells to Chris and Aiko to lock the door in their room, while she and Lavender hide in the master bedroom. Meanwhile, Adrian was fighting for his and family lives but that was cut short when he was shot in the back five more times and after that he was dead. Two of Shredder's men went upstairs to the master bedroom first and kick the door down, Lavender screamed when one of them grabbed her and threw her across the room leave a big scar on her back. Marinette fought the two and failed as she was about to be struck down, Lavender's eyes change from violet to scarlet red in worry and anger and rushed toward the two men. She grabbed a gun from them and kick, bite, and shoot them so many times until they were begging for mercy from her. Shredder's men called Lavender a mistake, monster, freak, and a mutant. After they said those words to her, Lavender immediately sealed their fates by killing all four of Shredder's men. When Lavender went back to normal she fell unconscious and woke up a few days later in a hospital, Lavender didn't know what had happened a few days ago until her mother and Chris told her then, Lavender asked her mom if their dad is ok but, Marinette said to her, Chris, and Aiko that Adrian didn't survive their attacks. Chris and Aiko were crying their eyes out and Lavender was still in the bed shocked that her and Chris's dad was killed by the Shredder's men. Marinette was filled with grief and sadness that her husband died by the hands of horrible people so she called Splinter on the phone and told him the news. Splinter told Marinette to protect her children and he will come to see them soon just not at this very moment. Marinette knew that they were going to be in debt soon, so she told Chris, Aiko, and Lavender when they get home to go look for jobs to pay off the debt. When Lavender wented back to school, things gone down for her, she was abused and beaten by children of the same people that killed her father. By the time she was 13, she fought back against them and during that time in high school she met some new friends like Alya Miracles, April O'Neil, and Casey Jones and founded some old friends like Natsume Kazenari and Tsubomi Himeji. When she and her mother went to see grandmother Kiyoko, she wanted to her to speak to Lavender alone about what is happening. Kiyoko told Lavender that she was a half wolf and now it's passed down to her, Kiyoko painted a purple flower tattoo on Lavender's huge scar on her back to heal her wounds, some white flowers on her right arm. Lavender touched her tattoos and they didn't hurt that is because Kiyoko put some healing herbs in her paints to heal the pain. Lavender told her grandmother that she wanted to go to the mafia even though it was a bad idea, her grandmother approved of her choice and told her to take Chris and Aiko with her if she goes. Lavender founded a cooking job for herself at the restaurant she ate at. She was cooking up a lot good meals and working off to pay the debt for her family too. When Lavender was working at the restaurant during closing hours and was to about leave for the night Splinter came in to the restaurant to talk to her. Splinter told her about what her mother said to him about what happened, Lavender knew the truth couldn't stay hidden for long and Splinter felt sorry for her going through with all this pain she had been in. Splinter wanted to help Lavender and her family she appreciates the help but, she wanted to do it by herself. Splinter told Lavender to think about her choices and says to her that he can make a deal with her dad's boss to get them out of debt. Lavender said thanks to Splinter for helping her family and leaving for the night before she left she gave him a letter for Danger to see how he is doing. By the time she became 14, she gotten control of her wolf abilities, eye changes, and her personality changes at that time she started to work on her drawings a bit more and think about Danger and Dodger wondering how are they doing right now. While Lavender was living her life as normal it can be, that afternoon three people of from her dad's job saw Lavender and wanted to talk her at her dad's job. They lured Lavender to her dad's working place to kill her and she knew if they kill Lavender the descendant of the Nightingale' family their boss who works with the Shredder will get a huge raise for it but that was their biggest mistake yet. Three people to 120 surrounded Lavender in the big room they brought her in and Lavender knew that they were planning to kill her and then go find the rest of her family, so she took her katana and her 2 pistols with her. Lavender's eye color changed to scarlet red and immediately killed all the people that were planning to kill her and her family in the locked room she is in with her dad's boss watching in horror and shocked at top floor. Once Lavender was finished killing the people who wanted to kill her she was going to find her dad's boss then kill him but, it was too risky so she left and went home. Later, Marinette went to her husband's job asked one of her friends to hack into the cameras and download a video from earlier on to a disk. Marinette rushed out of that place and then sent the disk of video with Lavender in it to Splinter. 1 year later, Lavender, Chris, Aiko and their friends were going to college and Marinette was seeing them off. At that time, Splinter received the disk with the video on it. He calls Legacy, Rapture, Danger, and Dodger to see him immediately. So they watched the video and Splinter saw Lavender fighting against the people who trying to kill her. Legacy said to Danger and Dodger to find and bring her here to talk to them and Splinter. When Danger left with Dodger to go find her he was smiling a bit to himself. Lavender, Chris, Aiko, Natsume, Alya were coming to Lavender's house so Lavender can get something from her room when they saw Marinette running out of the house with a panicked expression on her face. Lavender tried to ask her mother what was wrong until, a explosion happened in front of them and engulfed the Nightingale' house into flames. Lavender stood there in shock and defeat at the house that is burning in flames. Danger and Dodger watched from afar and saw Lavender broken down and crying, so they decided to go to Lavender's place where she hangs out. Marinette decided to live with her mother Kiyoko, and Lavender and the others went to the restaurant and bar that Alya, Natsumi, Aiko were taking Lavender for the party. It was late at night, Lavender was shaken up after seeing the family's house burned down. The owner of the restaurant said to Lavender, Chris, and their friends to come to the other side of the restaurant for the main event and that it was go time for Danger and Dodger. Lavender, Chris, and their friends sat at big round table and away from the other people in the room. While Dodger was outside the restaurant, Danger was inside looking for Lavender and had a plan to get her to come with him. Lavender went to the bar ordered a soda and then she heard a familiar voice singing a song it was alluring to her. When she looked she saw a male mutant turtle with chocolate-red eyes, a purple shirt on, a brown jacket over his shirt, and a brown fedora on his head. Lavender recognized the song as Duality and was quite interested in him but she kept her guard up knowing if it was a trick. Danger looked at Lavender while singing and enchanting in his song to her and only her, Lavender was blushing a lot. After the song ended, he left the stage to a table right next to Lavender's table knowing she got the message. Lavender responded with the song Jitter Doll and she sang the song in English knowing she is up for the challenge, her sister and their friends kept cheering her on when she was singing. Once she was done and left the stage, to see her sibling and their friends congratulating her on her performance. Alya asked Lavender if she wanted come with them back to the dorm and Lavender said No. She wanted to be alone awhile, so Alya left with everyone else leaving Lavender alone. Lavender went back inside the restaurant to sit back down, maybe order some food, and when she walked in she saw the same mutant turtle and he had a friend who was a same species. He has light blue eyes with a orange shirt on with Japanese kanji "moon" at the bottom and "heart" at the top of the shirt, white pants, and orange cap on his head backwards. They were sitting at the same table where she and her family were at so, Lavender walk over and sat down with them. When Lavender sat down at the table, Dodger asked Lavender if she saw the girl with red eyes and purple hair came through this restaurant and Lavender said yes and she was the girl he is talking about. Dodger said that Lavender wasn't the one they were talking about and Lavender proved Dodger wrong by taking off her glasses and change her eye color from purple to red and said "Now, do you believe me or do I have to convince you?" in a irritated voice. Dodger was probably scared after seeing Lavender get angry at him. Danger was laughing at her and Lavender asked him why was he laughing at her and Danger replied with "You're cute when you get angry, princess." Lavender didn't even know how to respond to his compliment but she was blushing slightly red and told him she was being serious. Danger knew that Lavender wasn't being serious enough to make him at least flinch with that shy, blushing, innocent look on her face. Lavender asked them both what do they want from her and why did they come to see her. Dodger smirked and said to Lavender that the underboss of Genovese and the boss of MSN wanted to see her immediately and she can't run away from this situation because, it would only get even worse. Lavender sighs and goes with them to their location but, Dodger and Lavender didn't know was going to be cold when they left the restaurant. When they arrived at the headquarters Lavender was really nervous entering the place but reassured herself that it was going to be ok. They have reached the end of the hall where the underboss and the boss was inside the room Lavender walked into the room and she saw the underboss of Genovese sitting a chair far away from her and the boss of MSN standing right besides him. Legacy told Lavender to enter the room and she did. When Lavender saw Splinter right next to the underboss she shocked to see that Splinter was the actual boss of MSN himself. Lavender went to a chair to sit down and waited until Legacy spoke to her, Splinter kinda knew that Lavender was scared because, she thought she was in trouble. Lavender asked Legacy if she was in trouble and Legacy said she wasn't in trouble and they just want to talk to her and for her to explain her side of the story about her and on the video they received. So Lavender tells and explains her story to Legacy and after she told her story Legacy asked Lavender if she saw anything when she was in Japan and Lavender said yes but it was rather faint memory and asked Legacy to tell his story and maybe it can help her remember that memory. Legacy agreed and told his side of the story and once he got to a part of his story Lavender stops him asked "Wait, you and your brothers were kept in a cage by Oroku Saki?" Legacy replied with a single yes and Lavender said to Legacy "Just like the turtle I met when I was in Japan I was 5 years old at the time, we were friends." Legacy ask her what did the turtle looked like when he was in the cage and Lavender described him perfectly and then she said his name was Donatello but, she nicknamed him Donnie. Legacy and his brothers were shocked and surprised, Splinter already knew because Lavender told him herself. Danger walked over to Lavender laughing and then said to her "It's been awhile since we saw each other the last time right, Princess Ayane?" Lavender blushed at his heart-warming compliment, Dodger smiled at her knowing that he remembered Lavender's voice and Legacy snapped Lavender out of the heart-warming reunion moment between her, Danger, and Dodger. He wanted Lavender to explain why were those people coming to kill her and Lavender said those people were Oroku Saki's workers who wanted to kill her for the debt and payment from the Nightingale' family, her father didn't come up with the money so, he had to pay with their lives. Lavender doesn't want to go out in the open without the Shredder's soldiers looking for her. Lavender wanted to give Shredder a piece of her mind and avenge her and Chris's father. So, Splinter and Danger decided to let Lavender live here so much to Legacy who was disagreeing their choice for her and Danger asked Lavender to try not to snoop around as much and Lavender said to Danger she will try but, no promises. Legacy asked Lavender which side she wanted to be in and she chose Gambino and she didn't even know it was going to be a roller coaster ride for her.

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