Chapter 9

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Boy's POV

The girl just did not get it, did she! I was used to not eating at lunch. I didn't have any problem with it but she wouldn't listen. I even tried running away from her but she surprisingly caught up to me and held onto my ears. Yes, ears! In the end I was forced to eat. Even if it was a little. But, I have to admit I had fun. Whenever I would see her with food, I'd run away and she'd run after me and I would laugh. I would laugh and seriously enjoy! Those were my happy days.

She helped me with French. During which I saw a wild but gentle side of her. I worked hard and managed to pass the test! It was amazing!

We used to be together after school when Henry would leave. She'd come to the stairs and sit down with me. And we'd talk and talk until one of our cars come.

Everything seemed so perfect! I was in the most peaceful town of the province, in an amazing school with kind teachers and fun friends! It felt like a dream. A never-ending dream. But what I didn't know was that dreams didn't last forever. Change is inevitable and just like that a fragment of my life changed.

She left.

I don't know how or why but she disappeared.

It was an ordinary yet perfect day when she came and suddenly announced that her family was moving and it was her last day. Everyone surrounded her the whole day. I think I saw Henry cry a little too. It pinched me a bit but I stayed at a distance. She did come and said hi to me once. I noticed that she was jumpier and happier than usual. Was she glad that she was leaving? I wondered if she hated this school. I mean why would anyone hate it? The day ended fast and she was gone. I thought about the possibility of it being a joke and waited but a month passed by and she didn't return. If I say I was lonely after that, I'd be lying. But I'd be lying all the same if I say I wasn't. Let's just say that her absence was felt.

Life went on and not many things changed. Ofcourse my life hadn't suddenly been static and all. What I mean to say is that there were no drastic changes. I woke up to the same house, the same family, went to the same school, had the same friends. It was perfect. She did cross my mind at times but I missed her and didn't miss her at the same time. It was strange roaming around a school without her. I did not have to worry about her popping out of thin air with food. No one ran after me shouting bunny. Occasionally someone would call me bunny. And once I had to write a poem on it. It went something like:

I am a bunny.
I am very funny.
I have a white fluffy tummy.

And I had to present it in the morning assembly. The name stuck for sometime but vanished again. And I got a new one. Elephant ears. Yes I know that was weird. But that's the strange thing about names. They get stuck with you whether you like it or not. Your name is never yours in the first place. It's for others, so they could know who you are. But what if I had some other name. Would I still be me? I wonder who I am? Am I this name, this face, this hair, or no, something else. Something that could not be seen. But I was too young to have thought deeply about it. And soon I forgot. Just like I forgot to do my homework once.

"Hey!" Mathew cried as I entered the school gate. Fifth grade had ended and we were now half way through the sixth grade.

"What's up?" I said as I caught up to him.

"Don't ask! The maths homework was so hard!"

I stopped in my tracks.

What? Homework?

"Which homework?" I said out loud.

Mathew looked back at me. "Ma'am Cindy gave us exercise 3.4."


"Uh... yesterday? You were present, weren't you?"

"Yes. But how could I not have heard her."

"You need to stay more alert in class."

"I always am!" I cried. This made no sense. I didn't remember a thing.


At least Math is after P.E.

But the thought didn't leave my mind. I thought about it throughout the first two periods, it was only in P.E when I was trying to solve the Sums that I remembered!

Sir Arnold!

He had called me near the end of class. It must be then! I dropped my head on the table and stayed there for a while to recollect my self. 

Kastigator: Buddy, if you just sit there like that, you're never going to finish it in time.

As much as I wanted to argue with the psychic me, I knew he was right. And I did my best to complete it. And I did! Surprisingly it wasn't that hard. And life wasn't hard either. It was peaceful and joyous. I wondered if her life was the same or not.

I'm sure she's just shouting and screaming in some other classroom by now.

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